Chapter 40:

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It seemed like decades that you stood over that dreaded bed. Time stood still as you observed your husband.

Compose yourself.

You took a sharp breath and turned your gaze to the bland room. You realized that you were alone in the room, besides the doctors who gave worried glances your way. "Thanks, guys." You whispered, the sentence directed to your friends who waited out in the waiting room. You were still surrounded by doctors saying their condolences and throwing their pity at you.

"Goodbye, my love... Thank you for always treating me right..." You whimpered, holding back the salty tears that once again, threatened to fall. You brushed his dark hair out of his face, and leaned down to capture one last kiss on his paling lips.

One more look at him.

"I love you."

Madara awoke to a pale white, and the faint beep of the heart monitor. He tried to move his arm, realizing that there was an intravenous attached to his vein. He grunted in annoyance, easily pulling the small tube out of his arm, a snake of crimson leaking where the needle embedded.

He sat up and groaned, his head spinning around in circles, his mouth was so dry, like a desert. He was stretching his legs and nearly jumped out of the cot.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you."

He nearly had a heart attack as he heard the beeps of the monitor increase tenfold.

He turned to see where the voice came from, seeing a spiky blonde haired young man sitting in the chair, his arms crossed and blue eyes looking at Madara's visible black one.

Madara felt his lips quirk up into a twisted grin.

"What pleasure do I have for them to send the head fucking honcho after me this time?" Madara asked, laying back down into the hospital bed, adjusting the single pillow they had given him.

"Don't act like you don't know." The young blonde nearly laughed, adjusting the coat that hung off of his shoulders.

"Oh I would be lying if I knew, Uzumaki. I've done a lot of fucked up shit," He paused to laugh at the surprised face the blonde made, quickly composing himself.

"Question is... Can you put me away for any of it?"

The blonde sat back down in his chair, clasping his hands together tightly, his knuckles a burning white. His blonde locks getting in his face slightly, he moved them away with ease, looking back at Madara.

"Madara... I don't know how the fuck you got protection from them, of all people... But this? I can't look past this. You used Ninjutsu in public, and a building where innocent civilians are?" He yelled, quickly standing up again, his coat swaying along with his movements.

Madara stilled, his grin turning into a flat line. "True indeed that I am protected by them, unwillingly, I may add. How long you gotta keep me?" He asked, eyes wandering to the intravenous he pulled out earlier, wondering if he could put it back in. "Probably not a good idea to do that." He mumbled to himself, poking his finger with the needle a couple of times.

"A while." The blonde sighed, his back facing Madara at this point, the words 'Hokage' sprawled on the fiery coat.

"Well. I appreciate you coming back to see me, Uzumaki-" "Naruto is fine." "Yes, Naruto. How about the old man?" He asked, relaxing into the bed.

"You should know about him. He's one of the biggest criminals. You practically did us a favor, which will, no doubt, reduce your sentence." Naruto said, his attention now on the magazines that littered the table. The attention span with this one, not so great.

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