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Niall has finally mustered up the courage to go and introduce himself to his flat neighbors. He made sure to put on his best clothes, not that he wanted to impress anyone but it's nice to look like he had his shit together. He didn't want them to think that only because he was a young lad he was going to be a pain in the ass. He decides on going to the flat in front of him first where an older couple lived, Sarah and John. They were the sweetest people he's ever met. They had so much love for each other it was unbelievable. Kinda made Niall think about Ben and how much he cared about him. They've only been dating for eight months, yet he feels like he could be the one. The John to my Sarah.

After eating a quick lunch with them he kindly tells them he had to leave, he was now going to his next door neighbor. And to say he was a nervous wreck, it was an understatement. He wasn't good at first impressions and since Kacey had told him it was a young lad, he wanted to at least try. He takes a deep breath before raising his knuckles to the door and softly knocking. Soon the door is swung open by a brunette lad.

"Can I help you?" He glances down at him.

"Oh hi! Uh yes, well... I'm Niall." He waves at him nervously.

"Okay?" He gives a weird look. "Niall, what can I do for you?"

"I'm your next door neighbor. I wanted to introduce myself—"

"Shit, come in. I forgot I was helping my boyfriend with something. Stay here." He runs off to the bedroom where Harry was struggling to build the dresser.

"Fucking hell, Tommy. Thought you were going to help me." Harry groans in annoyance.

"I was but we've got a visitor." He apologizes quickly, truth was he wasn't in the mood to do anything.

"Who?" Harry looks over at him with a confused look.

"Your neighbor, Nick." He says not really sure if that was his name or not, he couldn't remember.

"Well can you tell him to come later? We're kinda busy here." Harry points to the unmade dresser.

"That's rude." Tommy folds his arms against his chest. "How about I make some tea and get to know him, while you finish this?"

"Whatever." Harry breathes out, he knew from the start Tommy wasn't going to help him, he never does.

"Thank you babe!" He goes to kiss him quickly before walking out to talk to Niall. "Tea?"

"Oh no, I don't want to—"

"Sit down. I'm making some for myself." He cuts hims off and points to a stool.

"Okay," Niall looks down at his hands, he was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"How old are you?" Tommy asks.

"Twenty four." Niall shyly answers.

"Wow you're young, do you live on your own?" He leans on the counter watching the brunette nod his head. "I'm Tommy by the way."

"Nice to meet you Tommy," Niall glances over to the living room where a pair of boots catch his attention. They look familiar... wait—

"Are you still in school?" Tommy sees Niall starring off into the living room. "Nick?" He snaps his fingers in front of him.

"Huh? Oh... it's Niall." He blushes out of embarrassment, shaking the ridiculous thought away.

"My boyfriend still has a lot to unpack." Tommy mumbles.

"I should get going then, don't wanna be a bother." Niall stands up slowly.

"Listen, I don't want to help him unpack. It's fucking boring. You're my only excuse, please stay." Tommy begs.

"I... okay." He sighs. It's fucking awkward, I wanna go home.

"Here, help me set up the telly. We can watch a film." Tommy motions for him to follow him into the living room.

"Oh okay, yeah sure." Niall slowly follows him. He was shocked when he was the one doing everything while Tommy rambled on about how tired he was. Once Niall finished setting up the telly he sits down on a chair.

"Lovely!" Tommy claps his hands when he sees it was all set up.

"So you and your boyfriend are living together?" Niall asks. He didn't mean to be nosy but he's been considering asking Ben to move in with him and maybe some encouragement from the brunette will help him decide if it's a good idea or not.

"Oh god no. We're not that serious. I mean I'd love to move in with him when he decides to propose." Tommy sits down on the sofa.

"You want him to?" He found the lad strange but weirdly enough he wouldn't mind being mates with him.

"I do, and I hope it's not in a cheesy way because I'm not afraid to say no. I want it to be unique, I don't need it to be romantic just as long as it's worth posting on instagram I'll be fine, you know?" He sighs.

"Ah okay," Niall nods not really agreeing.

"What about you? Girlfriend?" He asks.

"I... I have a boyfriend as well." Niall blushes again.

"Oh great! I've always wanted to have a twink as a friend!" He grins.

"Erm... I should really go now. I've got to run some errands." Niall stands up quickly.

"Are you going to marry him?" Tommy asks ignoring the fact that Niall was trying to leave.

"I... honestly don't know." He fiddles with his fingers. "I'm sorry but I really need to go."

"Alright, I'll see you around. Please lock the door." He waves goodbye to him, not bothering to walk him out.

"Bloody hell, Tommy." Harry comes walking into the living room.

"What now?" He looks over at him.

"I'm nearly done with the bedroom, without your help by the way." He rolls his eyes.

"I was setting up the telly," Tommy points to the television that Niall had set up.

Harry glances at the telly and then back at Tommy, he didn't seem like the kind to even know how to change the channel. He was very impressed.

"Can we go out?"

"No." Harry runs his hand through his hair.

"We've been cooped up in this flat all day, I need fresh air." The brunette whines.

"There's still lots to do." Harry tries to explain.

"Yeah, you can do me but you're too busy unpacking." He shakes his head.

"Tommy." He gives him a look.

"Please, lets go somewhere. A little break won't hurt anyone." He juts his lower lip out.

"Fine, let's go eat." Harry grabs the keys to the flat and walks out after Tommy who rushed out.

I'm tired of this.


Niall and Harry will be meeting soon! 👀🤣

Thank you loves!


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