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Harry walks into the bookshop looking around frowning when he sees no one was around, he goes up to the counter glancing around for a bell or something. When he doesn't find anything he sighs and patiently waits for someone anyone to appear from the door, thankfully soon after he sees a young lady with a smile on her face walk out from the back.

"Hello!" She greets.

"Hi, is Niall here?" He holds onto the bouquet of flowers he had in his hand tighter.

"No sorry, he's not." Eline narrows her eyes at him.

"Are you sure?" Harry asks, not really believing her.

"Yes, I'm sure." She leans on the counter.

"Shawn told me he was here." He cocks his brow at her, he was starting to lose his patience with her.

"Well, he's not." Eline glares at him, she didn't understand what this lad was doing or what were his intentions. She didn't trust him.

"Listen, I know Niall is somewhere in here and I'd appreciate it if you went to get him." He clenches his jaw when he sees her shake her head no. Bloody hell.

"You need to leave." She says her voice laced with anger.

"I'm not leaving until I see Niall." Harry lowers his voice, he was taken aback when she slams her hand on the counter.

"You're making a scene." Eline snaps at him. "And I don't want my customers to feel uncomfortable."

"What customers?" He looks around, there was no one. He didn't understand her concerns.

"The ones that will eventually come in!"

"Eline, what the hell is going on!? I can hear you yelling from all the way bac— Harry?" Niall stops abruptly.

"Niall," Harry breathes out, his heartbeat quickening when he sees how gorgeous Niall looked.

"You know him?" Eline furrows her brows as she pointed at Harry.

"I do," Niall notices the flowers and immediately feels his cheeks heating up. "When did you come back?"

"Just now," He smiles. "I wanted to see you."

"A-Are those for me?" Niall points to the flowers, he was trying his best to keep cool.

"They are." He hands them to him. "It's been a while since I bought flowers for someone." He admits.

"Thank you." Niall takes them and walks around to pull Harry in for a tight hug. They're beautiful.

"I missed you so much gorgeous." Harry whispers into his ear.

"I missed you too." He whispers back.

"I hope you like the flowers." He presses Niall closer to him, he glances down at him and was surprised when Niall leans up and connects his lips to his. He kisses him back slowly and gently. God I missed him way too much, two weeks felt like forever.

"Oh hell no." Eline pulls Niall away from Harry's hold. "What's wrong with you?"

"I—what?" Niall frowns at her.

"Let him go." Harry spits at her.

"Are you cheating on Ben!?" She ignores Harry.

"No, Ben and I aren't together anymore." He tells her, he had forgotten to mention it to her.

"Since when?" Eline widens her eyes.

"The last time he came here." He says.

"But, you two were kissing so much that day. I don't understand." She was rooting for them.

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