Chapter 8

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Shuyang's P.O.V

The next day it's as if nothing ever happened. It's as if she never held my hand and pleaded for  me to stay with her in the nurses office. It's as if it never happened. So right now, we're having our usual stare down in the hallways. 

Other students simply walk around us. After a year of this i'm Surprised we haven't switched to something else that isn't just staring at each other in the halls. Something that isn't letting me admire her beauty.

I sat on the grass with Malic as she happily played with her friends.

"It's a sickening sight." I said.

"What is?" He said.

"How She can proceed to be happy after what I said."

Now I understand why she had been so happy after that. I had unleashed all hell.

"S-S-Stay." She said shakily.

But then the way she held my hand.... I questioned it all. To be honest I questioned myself. She held my hand as if her life depended on it. And I gotta admit, I like the feeling of her hand in mine. 

The bell rings and we both begin to make our way back to the playground to get in line. I'm walking a few steps ahead of her. I have my hands in my pants pockets.

I glanced back at her, she's shaking. After what happened yesterday, this should do no harm.

"Are you Okay?" I stop walking and turn to face her.

"I'm fine, Shuyang." She says and glances around. 

"You don't seem fine." I say, bringing my hand up, touching the back of it to her forehead.

She does nothing about this. Staring down and keeping her quivering form.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" I say.

She shakes her head as a 'no' and looks up at me. Wait. Not at me. Just behind me. I watch her as she hesitantly grabs my hand and pulls me to the area we're supposed to be. Lining up with the rest of our class. She lets go of my hand and goes to her spot in line. I go to mine.

I'm very confused at this. This is the second time she has held my hand. But this time she seemed a lot more hesitant. Like she was debating rather she should do it or not.  I also want to know what's wrong but she won't tell me anything. I mean, I've only asked once, but still.

But throughout the past few days a question has been burning in my mind, begging to be answered.

Can it be possible that... My feelings for her a changing?

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