XXx The I AM Feelin You Tour xXX

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"Whew those fans are demanding. Michael Jackson going non-stop no intermission? Heck Naw Michael loves music and he loves to jam Anit too hard for Michael Jackson to jam How many times he got to tell yah?

The song Do You Know Where Your Children are is bad piece of wax. Believe it or not Michael loves this cut real special. It's about children. Whom he holds dear to his heart. The fans all know that he coming out with his children from all around the world. That is how Michael does on Tour. His kids got to take center stage and wave and be kissed and picked up and loved and he gives out Teddy Bears and little baby dolls and stuff animals. The crowd loves seeing this. They know how important Michael is to those kids. They mean a lot to Michael Jackson. So do you know where your children are. It's almost 12:00 clock

Some kids are already walking out . The older ones like in the teensgot on the Michael Jackson Jackets. They back in style. Back in the stores for sell. They look good. The kids are passing out Michael Jackson Jackets. Throwing some black Fedoras too. Now they will be fighting over those black fedoras. They got white ones too. In all colors WOW just WOW man! The song is playing. Maybe Michael is taking a breather or drinking some orange juice. He human he needs to stop and rest like anybody else.

Michael "Rest my foot! Leggo!" 

Michael sing "Do you know where your children Poppa comes home and straight to bed. Moma cried so she know no no no thin king one is dead O O O ah Poppa run to the table to see what is going on. Mother cried a little bit and said he's gone. Do you know where your children are Cause it's about 12:00 clock "

Michael Jackson throwing out black fedoras in all colors and dancing and holding a little cute girl on his hip and she smiling and waving and got on a little pink fedora. It's all about L.O.V.E is message is simple.

Some parents are coming out in all nationality. Waving and holding kids and dancing a little too cause the song is a dance number but better for just listening to Michael Jackson's voice. He sings for his children and he worries for his children of the world. All ages should be safe from harm. 

Michael "sing" 

Fans "Do you know where your children are are they somewhere on the streets cause its almost 12:00 clock do they have sumpin to eat. Do you know where your children are. Cause it's almost 12:00 clock"

The music and song still plays while Michael leads off the stage and shake hands with a lot of his fans. He is so dedicated to his beloved fans. He cares about them so much. He hurts real bad when he can not help a child or if that child is so ill. Michael Jackson. There will never be another Michael Jackson. 

Michael Jackson bringing up a fan in a wheelchair. He needs to go back stage he need a better view and some gifts from Michael Jackson who loves everybody. He deserves his faithful fans.

The children are dancing and eating candy and walking around the stage. Making themselves at home right on stage with Michael Jackson. Looking out seeing the huge speakers and huge big screens and all the stage equipment. Michael wants them to follow their dreams. Maybe one day he might become their manager and compose their music for them. Anything is possible you know. 

Michael "sing" and the whole crowd is helping to sing 

"Do You Know Where Your Children Are"

The I AM Feelin You TourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora