5: giving up

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The weekend passed by at an almost deadly slow pace. All I wanted was to go back to school and see my new found friends again. When I told my mother I made not one friend, but three, she was over the moon with happiness.

"Oh niño!" She had said, cupping my face in her hands and pressing a big kiss to my forehead. "I'm so proud of you!" A smile lit up on my face. I felt free and happy for the first time in a long time.

Now it's all different. Now I'm nervous again and I don't want to go back to school. I make a silent vow that I'll sit by myself again and never talk to those people again. 


Idek what this is.Idk if that title is about the story or me rn. I don't even think it makes any sense. My brain is just a mushy pile of muck rn. I have a cold and I feel so icky *cries* but I needed to just put something down so...yeah...124 words...yikes


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