Who Can?

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The praetor of New Rome and Camp Jupiter was tired. That was the only way to describe it.

Her energy waned even as she stood beside Frank and before the senate, dismissing them as the meeting had ended. She stepped away from Frank to go to her villa, when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Her body tensed, adrenaline rising as instincts begged to take over.

Yet Reyna did not let them as she turned to look at Frank, his hand on her shoulder, concern in his eyes. "Praetor Reyna," he said, his formality a struggle she was well aware of. "I wish to speak with you." She nodded, then he hesitated. "Privately."

That made her nervous, even as she forced her instinct down and the adrenaline to fall. It was not uncommon for a praetor to ask to speak privately with another, yet to Reyna it was not coincidence that he chose now to do so.

They exited the Senate House and walked the streets of New Rome, both silent for the time being. Frank led them to an open outside cafe, where Hazel Levesque already sat.

Reyna did not think much about Hazel. She was another legionnaire as well as a Hero of Olympus, and that was the most she knew of the daughter of Pluto. The praetor had seen firsthand how Hazel could summon and use valuable metals, as well as find her way through various tunnels. 

Her titles were what gave her importance to many. Hazel was as normal as any other legionnaire, just less liked because of her godly parent. She was very likable once you got to know her, and Reyna respected how well the girl could take care of herself and others. 

She felt slightly envious of the girl, seeing as she was not cursed to be forever broken with no one to help her. 

Reyna pushed the thought aside, burying the envy and sadness deep inside of her as well as ignoring her vigorous thoughts.

"You said alone, Praetor Zhang." she pointed out, remaining standing even as Frank sat beside his girlfriend.

The son of Mars rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "It was the only way to speak to you without everyone else." Reyna gave a pointed look to Hazel. He corrected himself. "Everyone else except Hazel."

"Very well," she relented, her inner war using up her energy even as she sat down in the third chair, across from the couple. Reyna looked at her fingers as she twisted them together, trying to keep her mind off of many things while still holding the conversation. "What do you wish to speak about?"

Hazel sighed. "We know something is wrong, Reyna." to that the praetor stiffened. "We want to help you, but we need to know what it is exactly."

"There is nothing to explain." she said automatically, choosing her words carefully, seeing as she could not lie. "You need not concern yourselves. It is mine and mine alone."

"You don't need to keep everything on your shoulders, Reyna." Frank said, a pleading in his eyes. "We can help you."

No, no one can. "You can't, and you won't. It is not something I can share with you." She had wanted to say, It is something I cannot share, but the untruth of it had caused her to change it, though now her mind was trying to find out who she could share it with.

They slumped back, defeated. Hazel nodded. "Okay. Just, if you need anything, we're here to help you."

Reyna nodded, not entirely listening anymore. She stood, taking her leave as quickly as possible without seeming suspicious.  She had expected this, yet the conversation had given her more questions than answers. 

Someone could help her. She could share the burden with someone.

The question was who.

Hey guys. I know I know. I'm supposed to be writing the epilogue for The Day of 9/11. I told you that I'm taking a break, because it is emotionally taxing and so I need to rebuild my emotional energy again.

I wrote this as a random write, but I think you guys might like it. This was a short chapter, but that means the next one will be coming soon, so don't worry.

Anyone who wants to do the story cover or fanart can do so, I will of course give you all the credits, as I don't like stealing others' works. Thank you to all of you in advance.

I hope to have another chapter tomorrow, if I don't get stuck at the hospital, so if not its because I am feeling horrible and I am stuck in a hospital for who knows how long. Anyways, thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

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