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When Reyna didn't come back after the hour, she started to panic. Did something get her? Did Lycaon find her? The last question filled her with dread.

Thalia chose to sit up. That in itself was torture, but for some reason, she felt it less. She managed to stand on her feet for three full seconds before falling back onto the bed, groaning at the pain in her head and neck.

The wheelchair.

The daughter of Zeus scooted over towards it, making sure not to linger on her right hand as it was still bandaged and healing. She managed to slide into the chair, careful not to hit her calf or kneecap. Thalia wheeled herself towards the door, but her vision caught on one of the pieces of paper on the worktable. She stopped beside it.

There were many letters with the Legion's symbol stamped onto it, many of them with Reyna's beautifully cursive handwriting. 

Greetings Praetor,

There has been no sign of Queen Hylla for the past months, and the Amazons are becoming restless in her absence. I have decided to step in her place for the time being, though many of the girls are not very happy with the choice in leadership. 

I am sorry that your sister is still missing. Seeing as I am stepping up in her absence, I am incapable of searching for her, and the parties I have sent in search have not returned. If this continues, I fear there won't be any Amazons left to send, much less lead.

I will do my best to find anything that could lead to finding her. She may be your sister, but she is more than my leader. Stay strong, for Queen Hylla.

Best wishes,


Thalia's heart nearly stopped. Kinzie. Oh gods, this was worse than she had thought. No wonder Reyna had been worried, she thought while searching through the papers again for another letter. 

She grabbed a different one, this one written by the praetor herself.

Dear Hylla,

If you are reading this, it means that I found the courage to send it to you. 

I fear for you, Hylla. Word came from the Amazons that you were missing, and no new word has come of your return. Much is happening in your absence, as well as Kinzie having to step up as temporary Queen. There is much unrest with them, and it worries me that you would leave with no word for months on end.

Por favor, Hermana, answer my letters. Prove that you have not been captured by an enemy. I fear more for you than for the Legion, and that by itself is terrifying. You mean everything to me, Hylla. Please don't leave me.

Your little sister,

Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano

Thalia dropped the letter back into the pile. Hylla was missing. Kenzie was fulfilling the role of Queen in Hylla's absence. Reyna was afraid for her sister more than anyone in the Legion.

And Thalia just had to make it worse.

Something spurred at the thought of Reyna captured, and it made her wheel herself out of the room and down the hallway.

Then she was faced with a problem. Stairs.

The problem didn't last, though. 

"Thalia?" Her head shot down to look at the foot of the stairs, where a son of Mars stood looking at her in confusion.

"Frank!" she breathed, thanking the gods. "Get up here. There's no time to explain. We need to find Reyna."

His eyes snapped from confusion to determination. "Where is she?"

Thalia sighed impatiently. "You think I know? I've been in bed-arrest. I can barely get anywhere without a wheelchair. Come up and help me!"

He did as she told him, going back up for the wheelchair before placing her back into it. "But do you know where she would be?"

She was about to argue, but then a memory popped up. "None of them found Lycaon or his followers. I sent out a second round this morning."

"Where would they meet up if she was regrouping with the scouts?"

Frank's eyes widened. "You mean the Via Principia?"

Thalia looked straight ahead, holding onto the sides of the wheelchair as Frank pushed as fast as he could without dropping her. "Guess so," she muttered, still worried. All she could think about was Reyna, and what might've happened to her.

If anything happened, it would be Thalia's fault for pushing her past her limit.

Burden (Being Rewritten)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora