I'm Here

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Thalia's breathing became labored as she fought against the hard winds, trying her best to get to the entrance.

The wolves were near, too near for her liking. She came to a cliff, her eyes going wide in fear of the drop. The pack surrounded her just at the edge, and Thalia came up with the sudden idea. She hated it, but it was necessary. 

"Aegis!" she shouted as she tapped her bracelet, summoning the shield in time to hit the dirt of the side drop. Thalia forced herself to not scream even as she hit the bottom, and she stumbled off of her shield, shrinking it even as she forced herself to run towards the entrance. One of the wolves caught up to her, biting its teeth into the side of her leg. She batted it aside and limped closer to the hidden entrance, two guards finally noticing her as she struggled.

Then they were upon her again, and Thalia didn't have enough strength to keep going. She fell to the ground as one of the wolves jumped on her back, forcing her down as another bit her right hand, the teeth digging into the bone.

Shouts were the last things she heard before she caved under.



Reyna heard the scream before seeing the battle. She had been making her way to tell the guards at the tunnel that she would be taking time off when she felt the surge of adrenaline, the one she always got whenever there was a battle.

The praetor sprinted through the access tunnel, slamming the door open to a scream and then an empty tunnel. She turned her head to see three figures, two fighting off a pack of wolves while the third had been pulled away from the wolves, the feminine form marred and bloodied. 

Brandishing her silver dual knives, Reyna joined the fray, summoning Aurum and Argentum to help as well. "Praetor!" one of the guards shouted to her, noting her presence.

"Fall back!" she ordered, and they did so, Aurum and Argentum surrounding the limp huntress before the guards placed her across the two dogs, all of them backing towards the access tunnel as cars swerved to avoid them.

When they got to the tunnel, Reyna followed her two hounds before the guards locked the door, though the wolves had dispersed at the sight of Reyna.

Turns out Reyna wasn't going to get a break after all. 

Because as she walked she looked over to the unconscious huntress, seeing the familiar pale skin and black hair. Then she saw the bracelet, and she immediately knew who it was.

Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of the Hunt, was bloody and marred, more than half way to death itself.

Oh how fun it was to have so many worries.

How fun it was to be praetor.




All she felt was pain. Burning and living pain.

As soon as her eyes had closed, Thalia had somehow escaped her body, being able to watch a scene that seemed to confuse her.

The two guards pulled her away from the wolves, one holding a sword while the other carried a spear. She saw herself scream as one last wolf bit down hard on her right kneecap, possibly cracking the bone entirely. If she survived this, which was a big if, she would never walk the same again.

Then came a flash of purple, the purple cloak flashing like Celestial Bronze. Only one person had that cloak...

"Praetor!" one of the guards shouted, acknowledging her appearance. Two dogs, Aurum and Argentum, joined the fray as well.

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