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"She seems to be ok, but her blood seems to be suspiciously clean. Are you sure she hasn't been bitten?" The lady asked. "Yes I'm sure she hasn't been bitten. You said you were a mechanic, not a doctor." Sam answered. The familiar beeping of hospital equipment made Amy want to get out of the room as fast as possible. She pushed herself off of the hospital bed. She fell onto the floor, creating a loud, metallic bang. The lady and a doctor ran into the room. They attempted to help her up but she swatted them away. "Don't touch me!" She yelled, attempting to get to her feet and then falling again. She examined her left leg, which had been replaced with metallic leg. "What did you do to me? Where are my friends?" Amy spatted. She felt extremely light headed. "Calm down, your safe now. I'm Sarah, everything's going to be alright. You got hurt pretty bad back there and we had to cut off your leg to keep you from getting infected. Your friends are ok." Amy shoved the Sarah. "You dumbasses. I can't even get it. Get out of my way." Amy got to her feet and kicked the doctor, who fell backwards, knocking his head into the wall. Someone entered the room. Amy shoved Sarah away from her and grabbed a pair of scissors off of a medical tray. She lifted them above her head. Sal fired her taser at Amy, who then collapsed onto the ground. "What in the world just happened?" Sal asked. Sarah got off of the floor. "She attacked us." Sarah said between gasped breathes. "Well, that's what happens when you get in the way of someone with bionic limbs." Sarah eyed Sal. "How would you know what bionic limbs are?" "I have bionic limbs, isn't it obvious?" Sarah examined Sal's arm. "It looks more like a synthetic limb, which I've almost never seen someone have as a prosthetic. Can you help me get her back onto the table?" Sal nodded.

Sarah had long, brown hair and wore a pair of metal rimmed, double bridged shades as well as a baggy blue sweat shirt and jeans. She looked less like a mechanic and more like a hipster from the 80s. She returned to the rest of the group. "Good news, she is recovering. It'll probably take a while to get used to missing a leg, but besides that, she's ok. Everyone should get some rest, your all safe now."

Amy awoke to a dark room. Red lights flashed periodically in the corners. She struggled to get off of the table and eventually broke her restraints. She slammed into the floor, creating a loud bang. The beeping of medical equipment had stopped and been replaced by the blaring fire alarm. She struggled to her feet but fell over. She grabbed a crutch that laid next to the bed and began limping toward the door.  She pushed it open with ease and began down the hallway. Multiple bodies and long streams of blood trailed down the hallway. One of the bodies reached out and grabbed her leg. The man was covered in scratches and bite marks and held a pump shotgun in his other hand. "Run while you still can. There everywhere." The man weazed. Amy grabbed at the shotgun with her free hand, but the man pulled back in protest. She let go of her crutch and pulled on it with both hands, pulling it free from his hands. She wobbled backwards before regaining her footing. The man coughed. "Kill me... ple-" he was cut off by Amy blasting his brains out with the shotgun. She continued down the hallway, stepping over bodies and watching for even the slightest of movement. She picked at the bandages wrapped around her head and over her missing eye. A door opened further down the hallway, and two people entered the hallway. Amy pumped the shotgun. The albino pointed their gun at her. "Lower your weapon, I don't want any trouble and you don't either." Phoenix ordered. Amy lowered her weapon. Toby twitched and shook, covered in cuts and scratches. "Where are your friends?" They questioned. "I don't know, probably in the sleeping quarters, if there is a sleeping quarters. I'm very confused myself, I have no clue where I am." Amy explained. "Well then stay behind me. Toby, keep an eye on her." Phoenix ordered. Toby had short, curly black hair. He wore a brown coat with a black sweater beneath it. He wore jeans which were covered in blood stains. Part of his face was blackened and cracked. Amy watched him as he mindlessly walked down the hallway, seemingly in a trance. "Toby?" Amy asked. He jerked violently and the color returned to his eyes. "Woah, what happened?" He asked, frightened. "I don't know, you where in some kind of daze or something. Are you ok?" He rubbed his face with his hands. "Yeah, I'm ok for now. If that ever happens again, snap me out of it." The alarm stopped abruptly, bathing the hallway in darkness. "Stay close together, call out any moment you see." Phoenix ordered. They slowly crept up the hallway. Light shown from the bottom of a door at the end of the hallway. They reached the door and Phoenix shoved it open. "Don't move!" Sam ordered. Amy pushed past Phoenix and into the room. Chocho yipped happily and ran up to Amy. "Hold your fire!" Sam ordered. Gek ran up to Toby and hugged him. "What happened?" Amy asked. "A horde of infected got into the building and went on a massacre." Sam explained. "You people need to get out of here. There's a safe house nearby, I'll take you there." Phoenix ordered. "Excuse me? Since when were you in charge?" Sam asked, getting up in Phoenix's face. "If you want to get out of this fiasco in one piece, then I suggest you follow me. A monsters got your trail and it won't stop tracing you until you can mask your scent." Sam frowned and backed off. "Fine, but just remember that I am in control of this group." And with that, they left the room. Phoenix led them through the building and they kept silent. Sal stopped and looked around. "What's wrong?" Amy asked. "Do you hear that?" Sal muttered. A door further down the hallway flew off of its hinges and an infected stumbled through. It's arms and chest were swollen and it's hands had been reduced to lumps. It's eyes were sealed by black fluids and it's skin was pure white. It opened its mouth but created no noise. Sal covered her ears and Chocho squirmed uncomfortably. It closed its mouth and moved back a layer of hardened fluids to reveal its teeth. Amy shot it in the head. It collapsed onto the floor. Chocho whimpered. "My fucking ears!" Sal yelled. More infected began to exit from rooms and some of the bodies got off the ground. "We need to go! Run!" Phoenix yelled. They navigated through winding hallways toward the exit as the infected chased close behind them. Sarah tripped, slamming into the ground. Sam turned around to help her as everyone else ran ahead. Chocho yipped bravely before running past the crowd, in the opposite direction. The infected followed him. Sam pulled Sarah off of the ground and they ran through the doors into the open wasteland. Amy looked around her. "Where's my dog?" She asked out loud. "Where the fuck is my dog?" She yelled. Sarah started crying. Amy shoved Sarah onto the ground. "Amy! Stop!" Sam ordered. "It's not her fault!" "Not her fault? It's entirely her fault. She tripped!" Sam pulled Amy away from Sarah. "Now is not the time to fight, the beast is close on our tail and every second we're not running, it's only getting closer." Phoenix pulled Sarah to her feet. "The house is this way, hurry." Phoenix led the way.

They ran through the barren landscape. A gunshot rang through the air. "Run!" Phoenix yelled. The house came into view. Another gunshot rang through the air. Toby flinched forward and fell on his knees, clutching his hands onto his stomach. Amy helped him onto his feet. "I-I can't walk. I... I..." blood leaked from the corners of his mouth. "Sal! Help Amy carry Toby, I'm going to buy us some time." Sal picked up Toby's feet and Amy carried his shoulders. Dan continued his pursuit toward the group as they ran toward the house. He stopped on a hill behind them, a trail of blood showing that he had hit one of his targets. He aimed down the sights of his rifle and focused on Amy. Sam sunk his knife into Dam's throat. Dam turned and kicked Sam in the stomach. He grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. "Now, what do you think you are, some kind of savior?" Dam asked. He dropped Sam onto the ground. He gasped for breath. "No, I'm a distraction." Dam chuckled. "Well you sure distracted me. Any last words?" He lifted Sam off of the ground again and brought him face to face with him. Sam stabbed something into his neck, causing Dam to drop him. Sam clingy to his shirt as he pulled the grenade pin from his neck.

The distant sound of an explosion shook all of them. Phoenix unlocked the door to the house. They threw the keys through the door. "Everyone in the house, don't leave until I come back. There's enough food for a year, so none of you have a reason to leave. I'll be back soon enough." They then left them. The house had two stories and a basement and all the windows had been boarded up. They rushed Toby into the house and laid him on the table. "We need to stop the blood loss." Amy rapped his stomach tightly with bandages. "I'll take it from here. Everyone needs to get rest." Sarah announced. "Haven't I gotten enough sleep? How long was I out?" Amy asked. "I don't know, three days? You still need sleep." Sarah

Someone walked through the dark halls of the house, the only sound being their footsteps. They approached Amy's room, clutching a syringe in their hand. They stood there for at least an hour before returning to their resting place, not having the courage to do the deed.

Amy awoke in the morning, as did the rest of the house. Toby still lied on the table, but was now patched up. "He should be fine in a couple of days, but he needs to stay still or he could hurt himself." Cameron entered the living room. "Yo, who was walking around last night. It's hard to sleep when your stomping around and opening doors." "Well, I fell asleep immediately, so I don't know what your talking about." Gek yawned. "Well then it must of been Sal or Amy because I fell asleep about an hour after everyone else." "I watched the door all night, so it wasn't me." Sal added. Everyone looked at Amy. "Someone was standing in my doorway, but I couldn't see who it was. I didn't have my glasses on." Everyone exchanged glances at each other.  "Well, Someone here is lying. Who done it?" Gek announced.

Sarah entered the basement and scrounged around through the supplies, putting gears and pieces of scrap metal in a box before taking it back upstairs. Cameron examined a bookshelf on the main floor, taking books off of it to find the source of a noise. Gek practiced piano in a soundproof room on the second floor. Toby lied on the table in the living room on the main floor. Amy explored around, familiarizing herself with the house. Sal patrolled the house, keeping a close eye on everyone. They ate a quiet dinner that Amy cooked and then went to sleep early. The longer they were in this house, the less they trusted each other, and the buzzing that seemingly didn't have a source didn't help.

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