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He awoke in the middle of the night, tied to a chair and stuffed in a closet. The sleepwalker approached it and pulled him out. He tried to scream, but the bandana around his mouth kept him from. "Shh, my child. All is ok." The sleepwalker pulled out a syringe and a knife, and cut Cameron. His blood trickled into it and caused it to turn dark red. "Now go back to sleep, you are no longer needed. He entered the basement and approached the sleeping Narrator. He took his knife and stabbed her in the throat, twisting the blade back and forth until he was sure she was dead. He approached his final target and pushed open the door to her room. Amy slept peacefully as he approached her. He gripped the string tightly in his hand. He reached for her with his free hand and prepared to wrap his fingers around her throat. He hesitated before moving closer and reaching toward her neck. She reached up and grabbed his arm. He snapped out of his trance and jumped back. Amy jumped out of bed, but stopped when she realized who it was. Toby looked at himself and all the blood on him. He screamed as loud as he could. "Toby, calm down. It wasn't you. I can help you." Amy yelled over his screams. He stopped and stared straight at her, tears swelling in his eyes. "Y-you... you failed me." He turned and ran through the building, flipping over furniture as he ran. He knocked down the door and ran into the darkness of the night, not even looking back once. Everyone else rushed out of their rooms to join Amy as she stared into the dark landscape beyond the house. "What happened?" Gek asked, trying to peak over people's heads to see through the door. "I failed again."

They untied Cameron after Amy explained everything to them. They found the mutilated corpse of the Narrator, and her secret room hidden behind a bookshelf in the basement. She had obviously been watching them through cameras this entire time, but most of the monitors were either disconnected or smashed. "We can't stay in this house any longer. We just had one of us try to kill us before running off, if we stay here another night, we'll all lose our minds. We pack up and leave by noon. Be ready to go." Everyone backed backpacks full of food, water, ammunition, and any personal belongings they owned. The house which at one point seemed like a shelter from the outside now had holes that shone through. The boarded windows which seemed to let no light through let strong rays creep their way in. The piano that normally sounded like a carnival now sounded like funeral due to all of the keys being out of tune even though they were out of tune when they got here. They gathered by the door, ready to run into the wasteland. "I attempted to get into contact with the remains of the military, government, society, but I got nothing in return. We hope that there aren't any infected between us and the border of the city and we run until we get there!" Sal explained. "If someone is injured, do not go back to help them. We have no time to spare and no lives either, if one goes down, don't risk your life trying to help them. Dead weight will only show you down. Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded their heads silently, both fearful and excited to leave the hell that had been their sanctuary for the past few days. "Go!" Sal yelled, and with that, they rushed off into the wasteland.

About a mile away from the house, Amy stopped for breath. When she looked down at the ground, she saw an empty syringe. A splatter of blood showed that whoever had used it used it with the intent of killing themselves. She moved her attention back to running and off of Toby. As the house went out of view, the wall came into view. Hordes of infected were piled up around the base of the wall, squirming and mindlessly attempting to climb the one hundred foot tall retaining wall. "Shit! We need to find some way to get over it or some way to bring it down. Does anyone here know how to fly a plane?" Sal asked. "I do!" Cameron yelled, to everyone's surprise. "I don't know how you'd know how to fly, but come with me. Everyone else, try and clear a path to the wall."

Sal and Cameron ran to a military base. "This is where I was stationed, not to far away from the city. If I'm correct, they should have a bomber here that we can use to make a hole in the wall." Sal explained. They approached the torn fence and slipped through the crack. The infected soldiers that scattered the base charged at them. Sal pulled out her pistol and Cameron pulled a knife out of his pocket. Sal shot one in the head before shooting another in the stomach. Cameron stabbed two of them in the head and then decapitated another. One with elongated, skinny arms and legs leaped off of the building and onto Sal. It screeched at her and began slashing at her stomach. It's slashes did little to nothing to her metal skin. Cameron sliced its arms off before stabbing his knife through its back and cutting it in half. "Get in the plane." She said between deep breaths.

The infected hordes turned their attention to them as they approached the wall. Amy shot one in the head and crushed another skull with her shotgun. Sarah unloaded an AR into the crowd as Gek fearfully hid behind them. A large infected plowed through the horde and rammed into Amy, slamming her into the ground. "Amy's in trouble!" Gek yelled. "Help her! I've got my hands full right now!" Sarah yelled back. Gek fearfully looked back and forth between Amy and Sarah. The creature snarled before revealing its long rows of sharp teeth. It tightened its grip on Amy's throat as it moved her closer to its mouth. Gek cut its arm off, freeing Amy from its grip. She then stabbed into its chest with the machete she had been given. It collapsed to the ground, but more infected came. "We won't be able to hold them back much longer! We need Sal and Cameron! Where are they?" A line of shots caused a dozen infected to drop dead. Phoenix returned. "What did I tell you people? Stay in the house. It's the only safe place in this wasteland!" Phoenix yelled. "We were in danger. We all almost died because of you. Toby went mad and tried to kill us!" Sarah yelled angrily. Phoenix sighed. "I can help you protect yourself from this horde, but then I will leave you for going against me." She threw a grenade into the shambling infected. It exploded, killing few and sending some flying. Amy shot one that was crawling toward her and Gek slashed the other before it could jump on Amy. Phoenix shot a row of three with one bullet and Sarah shot until she was out of ammo. "Fall back! Fall back!" Their head exploded. The infected seemed to shy back at the presence of Dam. "Well, well, well. You managed to sneak past me when I wasn't looking. I bet you think your smart. Too bad you didn't make it, so close yet so far." Dam taunted. Amy shot him in the stomach and he visibly flinched. He grabbed her and began to choke her, lifting her off of her feet. Gek shook fearfully as Amy choked and gagged for breath. Sarah hit Dam with the machete. It did not damage and merely bounced off of him. He dropped Amy to the ground and turned his attention to Sarah. He smiled ear to ear and grabbed Sarah's head in his hand. "Your so brave trying to defend your friend. Too bad your attempt was in vain. He squeezed head and began to crush it. She looked at Amy as blood gushed from her ears, mouth and eyes. He crushed her hand and the bits of skull, brain, and flesh as well as the rest of her body, fell to the ground. "Oh, how sad." Dam teezed. Amy shot him with the shotgun again. He flinched again and pulled a pistol out of his pocket and shot her leg. The bullet ricochet back and into his eye. "God dammit! You little."

"Is this a good time to mention that I've never flied a plane before?" Cameron asked over his walkie talkie. "Well that's impressive since you managed to fly this far." Sal complimented. "Well, I played a lot of video games as a kid, so I basically know what I'm doing." Sal frowned. "Well this isn't like a video game, so watch yourself. If you need to get out the plane, eject and use your parachute." "Like I know how to eject from a plane." Cameron muttered. "We're coming up on the wall. Get ready to bomb it." The section of the wall exploded and bits of concrete rained down soon the infected. "We need to get back to the base and then meet back up with Amy and them." A piece of rubble pierced Sal's engine. "Oh shit, I'm going down. Stay in the air and try land." Sal ejected from the bomber and floated down to the wall with her parachute. "I think Amy's in trouble." Cameron announced. "Well then land so we can help her." Cameron stared down at the ground. "There's not enough time." "Cameron you dumbass! Pull up!"

"You stupid girl. You've lived for too long. For too long I have let you live, but it's time I take you die." He lifted the machete above his head. He let out a maniacal laughed when the plane crashed into him. The plane wing clipped him and took him along with Cameron. "Cameron, pull up!" Sal yelled. He started going up when Dam you're one of his engines off. "Oh shit, Cameron! Eject." Cameron ejected from the plane but didn't release his parachute. Sal prepare herself after seeing that Cameron wasn't going to release his parachute. She ran and jumped through the air and slammed into Cameron. She landed on the other side of the gap in the wall. She set Cameron down on his feet. "Are you ok?" Sal asked. "Yeah, I'm ok. My parachute didn't work." The plane exploded from the bottom of the wall. "Let's get down to Amy."

Dam emerged from the flames, his human skin peeled off and his infected muscles beneath it revealed. "If you think you can kill me, then you must be dumb." Amy shot him again with her shotgun. He grabbed the barrel and bent it. The infected fearfully gathered around them. Dam grabbed her jaw and her throat and began to pull them together. Amy bit down hard on his hand and the blood that leaked from his wound began to turn red. "No!" He screamed. "What have you done."  Amy shoved him toward the crowd of infected who began to surround him. "No you monsters! I created you! I am your god! Don't you touch me!" They feasted n his flesh and drank his blood. Amy returned to Gek and Sal and Cameron joined them. We need to get across the wall before the infected finish eating their 'god'" Amy said. They hiked over the rubble and to the other side. The rest of the world was in chaos and in flames. There was no safe place, there was no sanctuary. Just the disease, and the infected.

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