Cabin Fever

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The sleepwalker navigated through the house. Sal walked through the hallway. "Wait a minute... where's-" the sleepwalker stabbed a syringe into her neck. The needle bent and barely left a mark on her neck. The sleepwalker slammed a book over her head, knocking her out.

Toby awoke, now laying on the floor. "What happened?" He mumbled, getting off of the floor. From the view he had on the floor, he could see a camera beneath the couch. He grabbed it and examined it. It had a red, beeping light and a speaker on it. Toby smashed it on the floor. The buzzing noise stopped, but still echoed through the rest of the house. The rest of the house awoke. "What are you doing on the floor?" Gek asked. Toby got to his feet. "I don't know, but I found a camera. It was buzzing." Toby showed her the remains of the small, camera. It was about the size of a dice cube. "What happened?" "You got shot and we escaped to this house. We're supposed to stay here until the person comes back." "Well, if we all stay in this house for however long it takes for them to get back, then we'll lose our minds. We need to send people out, try to bring people in. The more people in here, the easier it'll be to find where these cameras lead to." Toby explained. "Cameras?" Sarah asked, entering the living room. "Yeah, I found one under the couch." "I found one on a bookshelf. I was wondering what it was." Cameron added, entering the living room. "Well then this house isn't safe. We're being monitored by either that person who brought us here, or there's someone else in this house with us." Amy announced. "Where's Sal?" "Where is Sal during all of this?" Cameron agreed. Sarah walked to the front door and screamed. Sal lay on the floor, face down. A syringe was jammed into her neck and the dark, murky contents of the syringe spilled across the floor. A book lay on the floor a few feet away from her.

Cameron exited the house from a window on the second story and returned an hour later. Amy took up the role of security and patrolled the hallways. Toby snuck into the basement with a jar and found and smashed a camera that he found in a small crack in the wall. Gek rubbed her hands against the walls and pulled on every light fixture and book in the house. After finding a book she liked, she went to the living room and read it. Sarah made sure Sal was ok and collected a sample of the liquid in the syringe. They ate the dinner that Amy had prepared as the sun went down.

"Is Sal going to be ok?" Amy asked. "Well, there are two problems. The liquid in the syringe was some kind of poison. It absorbs blood cells and turns them into the poison. Whoever's walking around at night has bad intentions." Sarah explained. "Is Sal ok? Did any of it get into her bloodstream?" "Well, that's where the second problem comes in, I can't operate on her." "Why not?" Gek asked. "Do you not have the supplies?" "No, I have the supplies, but I physically can't operate on her. She's made of metal. She's not a human." Sarah explained. "It explains why she has synthetic limbs, because she's an android designed to look like a human. I just don't understand why she's designed to look like a human. It's best she not know." "What else has Sam not told us? I bet if he was still alive, he'd be able to tell us which one of us is a traitor." Cameron remarked. "Well, he's not alive, so we'll have to find out who it is on our own." Toby added. "Well, maybe he wouldn't be dead if we had just left you to die. I think we'd all be in a better situation if you were dead." Cameron yelled. "Cameron, it's not his fault. It's not like he can
control bullets." Amy yelled. "It's exactly his fault. You need to stop being so damn merciful and face the world around you. Forgiveness isn't handed out on silver platters, it's given only to those who deserve it, and he doesn't deserve anything but death." Cameron yelled, knocking the table over. Amy pointed her shotgun at him. Cameron smiled. "I know you too well. You wouldn't shoot me if your life depended on it." Amy kicked Cameron in the stomach. "Everyone to their rooms. Anyone who wants to fight me can go ahead and try." "I don't have a room." Toby squeaked. "I'll set you up a place to sleep. Everyone keep your doors locked and eyes open."

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