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I check my time table and Chemistry is first on the list so I kiss Tiffany goodbye and head to my class.

I see Matthew sitting alone at the back row and two rows in front of him was Zack sitting with Sam. He has the nerve to sit with Sam then come beg me to take him back.I walk right past them and sit next to Matthew.

He's wearing denim jeans, and a pink shirt, yes I said pink. Flash backing from the day we spent together I remember him telling me that his favorite color was pink. I don't mean to be sexist but I was really surprised to hear a boys favorite color to be pink.

"Hey, Matthew", I say with a shy voice. "Hey, Crystal," He replies with the same amount of shyness. Our chemistry teacher gave us this period to discuss our assignment that is due in like three weeks and is worth 75% of our final chemistry mark for this year.

"Crystal, we are Really behind on assignment, you do know that it's worth 75% of our final mark",he says emphasizing the 75 percent. "I know that Matthew, you don't need to keep reminding me", I say with a little frustration in my voice. "But Crystal I feel as though you don't understand me, This is worth 75% of MY year mark", he says even more frustrated than me.

"Crystal my academics are really important to me so you and I are gonna have to spend ALOT of time together, like EVERY day, you know what I mean Crystal", he says emphasizing the words alot and every.

After he said that I started to get really suspicious, I think Matthew is making a big deal about this assignment so that we could spend more time together.

"OK Matthew, I understand, you don't need to keep telling me so it's fine, we don't have a choice but to spend alot of our time together. I think we should just meet up every after-school",I say with out most determination.

Our period ended and I was kinda sad to be separated from Matthew. Yeah I know it's kinda corny but I can't help but feel like I am on top of the world when I'm around him.

I gave Matthew a hug and kissed his cheek to say goodbye for the meantime and saw Zack eying us the whole time, He was looking at us, actually  looking at Matthew with very a devilish gaze, I really need to get to the bottom of what's happening between Matthew and Zack, it's obviously deeper than I thought.

Matthew leaves before me and passes by Zack and Sam. Zack comes over to where Matthew left me standing with that stupid smirk on his face.

"You two are getting  close, huh", he asks curiously. "It's really non of business Zack and I suggest you just focus on whatever you have with Sam", I respond also with a smirk on my face. "No don't say that Crystal, I've never loved Sam, I don't love Sam and I'll never love Sam, I love you and I'll always love you",he says with almost tears in his eyes.

"Oh please Zack you just realized what you lost and you just want it back. You have used Sam and her assets in every way you wanted to and you are tired her now, and that's why you want me back. Fortunately I am not that naive girl you started dating two years ago."I say with a scent of anger in my tone as I grab my bag and leave for my next period.

I really want Zack to stop bothering me and making me feel guilty for dumping his ass. He and Sam deserve to be together for all I care.

It's finally after-school after a very stressful day. I head outside to see if Matthew was waiting for me but he wasn't there so I presumed he was running a bit late. I waited outside for about 10 minutes and I saw his beautiful face and jaw-dropping body appear from the corner,but he wasn't alone. He was with that chubby Korean-looking guy.

"Hey Crystal, sorry I'm late, I was still discussing some stuff with my English teacher." he clarifies.
"it's fine, don't worry about it, I didn't wait for a long time." I say still staring at the guy he was standing with.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you two, Crystal this is Kevin and Kevin this is Crystal." He says with a dashing smile on his face.

"Ohhh, this is the imfimous Miss Crystal, Matthew honestly can't shut up about you, it's great to finally meet you." Kevin says while reaching out for a hand shake.

Matthew obviously very humiliated by Kevin's statement bumped Kevin's arm signaling him to stop talking.

"Well I hope all good things." I enquire. "Uhm, I'd say. 50/50."Kevin says almost about to burst into laughter."Ohk, that's enough, Kevin I think you should get going, Crystal and I have a lot of work to do." he says trying to get rid of Kevin,and it works. Kevin leaves and Matthew and I decide to take an Uber instead of waking.

We finally get to my house and we get to the door." Uhm, Crystal, are you sure your mother will be OK with a boy entering her home." he says nervously.

(Nxooo, he's so cute and polite.)

"Yeah, don't worry about it, it's not like we are going to misbehave or something." I say teasingly. I unlock door and we enter. "Make yourself at home!" I shout while heading to the kitchen to make some sandwiches. I'm an expert on making food so I put together those sandwiches pretty fast and lead Matthew upstairs.

"You can choose to either sit on the beanbag chair or the normal chair." I state and surprisingly I find him already making himself comfortable ON MY BED!

"Matthew my bed wasn't one of the options you could choose from, so move of my precious bed!" I yell. "But you said make you at home and I'm doing exactly that." He says with a Mischievous smile on his face. He was obviously trying make me angry.

Anyway I let it go and sat on my bed with him and took out our chemistry textbooks."Lets get started then, don't forget that this assignment is worth 75% of our final year mark so we really need to be serious." I said with a firm voice,but by looking at his eyes and that smirk he had on his face he probably had other plans.

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