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I feel Antonio's fingers linger around my very short skirt. I need to stop him but I want him to continue. We look at the screen and not at each other. He rubs my thigh gently and I feel his hand go higher up my skirt.

I spread my legs and try to get comfortable with what's happening because I know what's happening. He rubs my thigh  oh so marvelously. I feel a certain need to be touched and pleased by him in a more intense way.

I feel his hands slip into my lace panties and a chiver goes through my spine. I really need to stop him before he gets any further but I really want him to pleasure me with his fingers. I let out a slight groan as a sign of discomfort and as I was about to let out a breath he finds his way to my clit and rubs it and I am officially on cloud nine. He travels on to my vagina and I immediately get wet as he reaches his destination. I turn to look at him and I can see him smirking about how wet I am.

In a split second without any warning he slides one finger in me and begins to work his magic. I jump at this and I can't help but to let out a moan of pleasure and he without warning against slides another finger in me and starts going in and out faster and faster. He started to get aggressively fast and know I couldn't hold my sounds in anymore. I let out a loud moan and that definitely gets everyone's attention and I have eyes shooting at me while I'm screaming for breath. I honestly couldn't breathe, I needed this, I needed this real bad. Eyes were still shooting and I couldn't give a fuck because of the current situation.

The movie was still progressing, the people got to watch real porn, talk about front row seats. I was holding on to the side of my chair with my mouth open and suddenly a third finger enters inside me and I go Nuts. I am practically a river down there and Antonio is now staring at me with a smirk on his face while pushing his three middle fingers in and out of me. I have never felt like that, no one has ever made me feel like that. He starts slowing down and I was kinda disappointed that it had to end.

Don't judge me. If you haven't been fingered then I don't want to hear it.

I fell to the floor and I grasped for air. I was on the floor for like two minutes until Antonio decided to pick me up bridegroom style and leave while people where watching. I can't believe I just got fingered in the cinema, and the most weird part is that nobody called security, the people just kept on staring at us.

I guess that's what you expect from people who are in this particular movie.

Antonio let's me go out the movie door and I can't even face him...

Heyyyyo, I know, steamy right
Sips tee☕
I delivered, but believe me, the steam isn't finished yet, wait for the next chapter.

Didn't expect this from Crystal?Comment and let me see.
Have you ever been fingered??? Let's chat.

But anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you enjoy this epic drama filled love story.

The question remains.

Will Matthew and Crystal end up together?

Please don't forget to vote ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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