Chapter 28: Care Packages

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As the long summer days lingered in our memories, nature rests her rainbow palette. In their place she brings out the colours of beach and woodland, soothing us into a quiet reflection.

We walk through pictures shown so beautifully by the winter sun; each as bathed in love as the one before. Be it the blue of sea or sky, or every shade of brown from almost white to almost black, it brings a peaceful harmony.

Yet in this choir of colours, mother nature keeps by a little green, a little red, for the holly tree, the evergreens and robins. And after this rest, this deep breath of cool fresh air, we are ready for the sweet mischief of spring.

It had been a couple of weeks since the guys left for the Middle East so the girls and I decided that it would be a good idea to go ahead and send the first two care packages to them.

So we made a list to include in both care packages.

Candy, throat drops, twizzlers, cheese crackers, notebook and envelopes, pencils, drink mix, instant coffee, instant oatmeal, Roman noodles, beef jerky, salt and pepper, travel size body wash, sunscreen, shampoo, deoderant, Tylenol, playing cards and a satellite phone.

As I was finishing up making the list Dixie suggested making homemade cookies for Tanner and Derek.

"Mom, what do you think about making cookies for Uncle Tanner and Derek?" She said while smiling the first time since they left for their deployment.

Cookies from scratch, that's Mom's plan. Frankly, I'd settle for something not shamefully bad and mildly edible. It's hard to fault her enthusiasm right now, I just hope it propels her all the way to the washing up and cleaning the kitchen stage.

When she unfurls the apron and hands it to me I can see she's had our names embroidered on the top. After a quick tongue bite I ask to see the recipe for sugar cookies.

Sugar cookies recipe

Two and three fourth cups all-purpose flour

One teaspoon baking soda

One half teaspoon baking powder

One cup butter, softened

One and half cups of sugar

One egg

One teaspoon vanilla's extract

As my mom started to get the ingredients for the cookies together, I preheated the oven for three hundred and fifty.

I was in the middle of getting the bowels for the mixing when phone started to ring.

"Mom, I'll get it." I called as she was still getting the things ready for baking the cookies.

As I looked at the caller ID I noticed that it was a unknown number.

As I answered the phone i heard a lot of static then "Can you hear me?"

"Yes I can hear you. Who is this?" I asked as my mom came into the room to get the phone.

I am apprehensive, yet unafraid. It is the jolt I need to know that I am walking into a storm, but not so much that my steps will be hindered. If anything it gives me the courage I need to make them, knowing that few good things in this life come without a cost to the self.

'It's Derek. I have a little bit of time on my hands. Everything has been quiet around here."

"It's great to hear your voice. How long has it been? Two or three weeks?”

The weight lifted from my shoulders as if an overly large child had just leapt off after a satisfying piggy back ride. She walked taller. A girlish grin spread onto my freckled cheeks as I waited for Derek's answer.

"It's been about that. What have you been up to?" He asked as Dixie headed to the kitchen to start the cookies.

"Nothing much. Just getting into the routine of Tanner not being here to help with the girls and Layne"

"Well we sent a couple of letters today. You should be getting them here pretty soon. I am fixing to go to work I just wanted to let you know." He replied.

"I love you." He whispered into the phone.

When Derek spoke those words. It is as if the words are still circulating my mind and not yet allowed to flow outward into my heart.

“I’m not going to be offended if you don’t say it back,” Derek said softly. “I love you. No pressure. You don’t need to panic about it.”

“It really doesn’t bother you if I don’t say it back yet?”

“Three words don’t define us. We were happy before I said it, I don’t need anything more from you than what you have already given.”

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