chapter 2 : the interview

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Mahir snaps out of her eyes
He asks her if she is bela sharma
Bela says yes
He welcomes her in and asks bela to sit on her chair he says that the live stream is going on in 3 minutes and asks if this is her first interview

Maahir pov
Hi you must be bela come in I am maahir I am going to interview you today. So you are going live in 3 minutes
And this is awkward

2 minutes later...

"Good evening this is 1000.5 fm and i am your rj maahir and this is kaun hai with maya. Rj maya is unable to come today so i will be substituting her"

So today our guest is founder of the connectolife app bela sharma so hi bela how are you today

"i am fine how are you maahir " bela says in a adorable voice

So bela tell me how at such a young age of 25 you have become a successful entrepreneur and tell the listeners more about connectolife

"maahir firstly your being very humble and secondly connectolife is a digital platform where volunteers are connected to different ngo s throughout the country." bela says

What made you inspired about connectolife ? In real life your a professional chef and as a chef what intrigued to develop this app

" Despite being a chef I was pretty interested in coding and had picked it up as a hobby and i was a volunteer too. I understood the struggle of a volunteer to find organisations to help in and therefore wanted to do something for them so i perfected my coding skills and started to make this app which took me a year and a half to develop "

Wow that is very inspirational of you and I am impressed actually. Before your interview we asked our listeners to send in questions to ask you and as my responsibilty I am supposed to ask you those. So are you ready for the rapid fire? 
"I sure am" bela laughs

So you are a hearthrob of many guys who wanted to ask you this question . Are you dating anyone ?

Bela :" I am still searching for my prince charming "

That gives me some time to try ;-)

Naarator pov
Bela laughs continuosly
Maahir keeps looking at her smile and smirks romantically Their interview continues and time goes very fast
They keep talking and maahir keeps on flirting with bela looking into her eyes most of the time

2 hours later

They finally realise that they have been talking for 2 hours and did not even realize a bit. Maahir end the interview . It starts raining heavily. Bela says that its very late and that she has to leave. It was 10 pm and she has to go home.

Maahir says bye sadly and tries to open the door but is unable too. The door was locked and he couldnt open it . Bela tries opening the lock. She fails to open it . Maahir deduces that the security system on the lock must have malfunctioned and could have autolocked.

Bela asks how are they going to get out
He says there must be a key somewhere. They search for the key. They are not able to find the key. Bela tries calling vishaka. Maahir says that she wouldnt be able to answer as there is no signal in the radio station recording room. Mahir and bela stare at each other.

Precap : mahir and bela stare are stuck together.

behir ek pyaar kahaani ♥Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ