Naruto To Sakura

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My Bestieee my other half, my pink haired genius. You're amazing and if you ever need me to tell you just come back and read this note. Even though knowing you, you probably memorized it.

I think it's crazy how well we worked together.
In another life I probably would have been nuts for you. Yeah definitely.

Sakura, you are someone who stuck with me for so long this will be hard for you to read. Which is why I'm only writing one sad letter today. It won't be yours and knowing him you will never read it.

I want to think of the good memories when you think of me. Our big plans to leave this town but leaving a mark on it before we did.

We were just kids when we decided we would own our first apartment together. We were just kids when you taught me how to ride my bike because I had no one else.

We were just kids when we walked to the ice cream shop together and stopped as soon as we saw any car, we were so scared they were going to take us.

We will forever remain kids till the day we die. I know I will. I mean if all goes well, I am already dead. How crazy is that!
You're reading a letter written by a dead person, actually it sounds rather sad. And I'm sorry for writing that...

There is one memory I want you to remember. I would tell the story a million times if I could, but I can't and you don't need me to tell it you already know it.

Remember age 15 the old barn, our amazing ideas? The abandoned barn we wanted to investigate every night for ghosts but always chickened out?
Go there, see with your eyes and know this town isn't all that bad. You'll know when you go, you're smart like that.

I have nothing more to say to you Sakura. I want you to remember that you're a smart women. Brilliant actually. You'll do great things I know it.

                     Love, Naruto.

The day after Sakura read the letter she walked out to the old barn. It was almost as if she was a little kid again and a little Naruto was pulling her along.

She opened the barn door the best she could and walked through it to the back. They always said this was where they would leave a piece of them before they left this town. This barn no one ever cared about.

Sakura walked out back and saw 'Naruto' painted on the side of the barn. It was big, it was in Orange paint, a small quote and his signature was on the bottom left corner.

Sakura came back the next day with a latter and paint. She painted her name in pink paint and added a small quote. She signed her name next to Naruto's and added a heart. This was their town.

This was where their memories would stay.

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