Naruto To Shikamaru

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Shikamaru. I know you're reading this actually I know you read this more than once.
I know you're trying to figure out what you could have done, trying to figure out why I did such a thing.

Truth? You never will.

I mean maybe you will maybe you can step into my shoes, walk my life. See from my eyes and hear my thoughts. Maybe you're smart enough for that Shikamaru. Maybe you are!

But you will never know the whole thing. You will never feel the whole pain. You will know maybe half. I hope you never know this feeling. Stay away from it Shikamaru you're too smart.

I want to tell you to check on Sakura every now and then. I want to make sure you stay in touch at least a little. I want you to put all of your brain power into something you love and conquer it.

This is a short letter because everything you need to know. You already know. You know I'm going to miss you. You know so much that I can't share it.

Shikamaru you're the smartest person I have ever met. You will do great things.

I'm sorry and I will forever remember everything you ever did for me.

The laughs, the fights, the disagreements. We had so many. But we worked well together.
Go meet a pretty lady Shikamaru!

Good luck in your life Shika. Take care. I'll miss you more than you think.

Love, Naruto.

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