Chapter 3

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Kagome P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. I walked outside to go and see Kaede. "What's wrong Kagome"

"I'm not feeling the best."

"Is it the flu?"


"It's either flu, food poisoning, or your pregnant."

"Ok the last one is off the list." I thought. We had sex once. That was last night.

"Ok, whatever you say."

I knew I wasn't pregnant. I couldn't be. How would I go to college? Would I bring the baby? Stop thinking that I'm not pregnant. I went to go see Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha!" I yelled. He was up in his tree, refusing to come down.

"SIT!" I yelled and he fell on his face.

He got up, looking sad. "Were you crying?"

"I'm sorry Kagome, but you can't stay here."

"I was going to go back anyway. I'm not feeling the best."

"Ok" he said. He kissed me and said he loved me. I said love you back and went through the well. I walked in the house and my mom was standing there, cooking. She looked at my pale face. "What's wrong, honey?" 

"I don't feel good."

I grabbed the garbage can and went to lay down. I ended up throwing up right after I walked in my room. I ended up falling asleep once I threw up once more.

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