a little encouragement

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... and I said that simply wouldn't do! Anyway, how have you been, honey? New York treating you well?"

"Just as well as always, Mom." I said, slipping off my stool to put away my bowl from breakfast. I ran back to my computer before Mom would get confused again. 

"Well I'm glad. Oh, Liz! Come talk to Darby!" Mom went off screen and my little sister came back in her place.

"Lizzy! How have you been?" 

"Oh you know, 8th grade is 8th grade. What about you?" My little sister had always been one of my best friends, despite being 6 years younger and living in a different state.

"Well, work is work. But I have a interview today, for the band Why Don't We. They're looking for a new manager. Have you ever heard of them?" Liz's jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"You're kidding! I love them! I've been obsessed with them for a year! You're going to be their manager! Darby this is huge, this is crazy!" Liz was freaking out, running around the kitchen like crazy.

"Liz! Calm down! Besides it just an interview. I may not even get the job." Liz sat back on her stool, still jittery after the news.

"I know, I know. But it's crazy that you even have the chance. My older sister, working with Why Don't We! You could even date one of them!"

"Woah, hold it sister. We're not dating anybody. Especially not the boy's that I'll be managing."

"Oh come on, you have to admit they're all pretty hot. I got to go, my rides here. Love you Darby!" she turned off the computer and the screen went black. I shut off mine and walked into my bedroom, checking my outfit one last time. I had chosen a bit fancier outfit than I'd usually go for, a red dress with black vans. There was no way I was walking in heels. My phone buzzed and I checked my notifications, seeing that the band has posted a photo. They were all piled up on one couch, which looked like it was in one of the offices at Atlantic. I had to admit, they were all pretty hot. The caption was interesting, "A little something new coming for you." The comments were full of fans speculating about what it could be. I shook myself out of thought and went to the living room, grabbing my bag from where I had left it last night. I checked my bag for my laptop before I left, making sure I had remembered to get it. With one last check if the apartment I walked out the door, and into what could be the day that changed my life forever.

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