a meeting to remember

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I walked up a flight of stairs, my fear of elevators forcing me to take the stairs up 3 flights everyday. Except for today, which I trudged up another floor. I scanned the meeting rooms and saw a door that said "Why Don't We" on it. I grabbed the door handle, freezing cold compared to my sweaty palms. I opened the door and saw exactly what I thought I would. The room was littered with chairs in groups by the walls, old magazines on the coffee tables. I looked around to see everyone else who was going for the job. Not exactly to my surprise, it was a bunch of middle aged men and me. I was used to it at this point, I was most likely the only 19 year old girl in the business, but it was still awkward. I sat in a chair by the back wall, not caring about the looks i was getting. As the time dragged by lots of people were called into the office room, mainly "John's" and "Mark's", but not any other Darby. What a surprise. Finally a man peaked out from behind the door, "Darby Miller?" He questioned, scanning the room until I stood up and walked to the door, smiling.

------------------The Boys' POV-------------------

"Thank you, will get back to you as soon as we can."  Mr.Phillips smiled at the man in the suit in front of him as he walked out the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to the boy's.  

"So what did you think of him? He seemed pretty qualified." Phillips sat back down at his desk and faced the boy's. 

"Look, I'm going to be completely honest with you man, I don't even remember his name. Five bucks says it's John." Zach sighed, slouching down in his seat.

"Well hopefully the next one will be a bit more interesting. Darby Miller."

"Wait a second, that doesn't sound like a man with a wife and three kids." Jonah laughed, trying to nudge Corbyn back into reality after zoning out the entire last interview. They watched as the door opened and revealed who was apparently Darby Miller, and oh was it a refreshing sight. No more three piece suit and tie sets, instead a flowy red dress and black vans. They all sat up immediately, already gaining interest in Darby. This might just be who they were looking for.

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