one call away.

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Holy shit. What do I do? I tired to move around on the subway car, but the midday traffic was insane and I was pinned in the crowd. As soon as my phone started to ring the train slowed to a stop, causing the doors to slide open. I let myself get sucked into the river of people, flowing right out the door. Without giving a glance to the sign reading where the stop was, I pulled my phone out of my bag and up to my ear in the quickest motion I could manage. I  hesitated before the accept button for a lingering moment. 

Truth be told, I wasn't ready for whatever this phone call had to bring. I don't think I could ever be. This one call could change my life, and everything it ever was. One more reason to pick it up, I guess. I finally swiped my screen, and accepted the call. There was a second of lingering silence before I finally spoke up, my voice sounding sounding oddly quiet.

"Hello?" I somehow managed to choke out, my throat dried from worry.

"Hi, Darby. This is Phillips, I just wanted to call you about the manager position for Why Don't We." My heart stopped and the world slowed around me. This was it, the moment that could change my life forever.

"Oh, well has there been any updates?" I tried my best to keep my composers, despite the anxiety coursing through my veins.

"Well, after a whole two minute conversation with the boy's, they all seemed to think the same person should take the job. So Darby, how would you like to be Why Don't We's new manager?" I couldn't help but jump around a little, maybe scream a little too. I got a couple strange looks but I didn't care. 

"OH MY GOSH YES- I mean I would be honored to take the job." Pushing down my excitement was a little harder than I thought it would be.

"Sounds like your ready to take the job. I'll contact your assistant about setting up a meeting tommorow. In the meantime, maybe you could get around to contacting the boys. I'll see you tommorow, have a good day!"

"Thank you Phillips! You too!" I heard the line on the other end click off as I clumsily stuck my phone back into my pocket. A few seconds went by with me standing completely still in pure shock before it really sank in. It was official, I was the new manager of Why Don't We. Finally I jumped up and down and twirled around the platform with the biggest smile on my face. A musician strumming their guitar raised on eyebrow at me as I dug for some cash from my bag.
"I got the job!" I had to tell someone the news, and they just happened to be the first person I saw.

"Congratulations! I hope it goes good for you!" They smiled at me as I placed the money in their open guitar case and skipped away from them. I then remembered I had no clue where I was, and went searching for a map. As it turns out, I was only one stop away from my apartment, so walking would be the easiest option at this point. The second I got back up to the surface from the subway below my phone buzzed in my pocket. Sliding it open, my screen was bright with a single Instagram notification, a DM from the one and only Corbyn Besson. A smile took over my face once again as I opened up the message.

"Hey Darby! It's Corbyn (And the rest of the boy's technically) we just want to say we're siked to have you as our new manger! can't wait to get to know you better!" I pulled open the front door to my apartment as I slung myself down on the couch, my smile getting wider everytime I read the message. Suddenly, my fingers took control of themselves, and a message poured itself across the screen.

"I can't wait to get to know you either! something tells me we're gonna get along pretty well."

"oh, I bet."

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