Chapter 2

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It was during lunch that it happened. When the people came. Everyone was enjoying their food, talking amongst themselves, when there was a bright flash of light. A few demigods drew their weapons and the younger and more inexperienced ones were herderd towards the back.

When the light died down, four people were standing there. Three girls and one boy. "We come in peace!" one boy said. He had curly brown hair and tan skin. His brown eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Shut up Leo." One of the girls said. The girl had caramel colored hair that was pulled up into a complex braid. The boy called 'Leo' just grinned.

One of the other girls, this one had choppy brown hair with eagle feathers braided into it, was looking around at the other campers. Seeing the swords that were drawn and the wary looks on everyone's faces, she knew that something wasn't right.

"Hey Rach? I don't think they knew that we were coming..." She said finally.

'Rach' looked around as well. "I think your right Piper." the red headed girl responded. "Hey guys. So, I don't really know how to say this, but can you please put down your weapons? It will make it much easier to explain."

The campers all complied. Obviously, they hadn't dealt with two wars and the untrusting nature that accompanied them.

"You want to say the rest Piper? Your a lot better at the whole convincing thing then me." Rach asked, pulling out a blue plastic hair brush and brushing her bushy red hair with it. Piper nodded in agreement.

"You may not know us, but we know many of you. 'How is this possible?' you may be asking yourself. Well, there is a simple answer to that. The Fates have decided that us and a few more people needed to come back in time. We don't know why, so we are in the dark in that area as much as you are." Piper told the group of campers.

"We thought that you would be aware of the fact that we were coming, but it seems that we were wrong. None of us mean any harm to any of you. All we ask is that you accept us and let me and the rest of my friends stay here in your camp until the Fates decide that we can go home."

Chiron nodded after a minute of thought. "We can't really go against the Fates wishes can we? You may all stay here. Welcome time travelers, to Camp Half-Blood." 

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