Chapter 4

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The three time travelers looked around at the assembled demigods. The camp couldn't help but think that they looked vaguely familiar. Rachel grinned. This was getting interesting.

"Hey guys. Welcome to the past." She said. Turning to the rest of the assembled demigods, she continued "So, you guys will probably recognize these guys when they introduce themselves, if you don't already."

Clarisse came up first. "'Sup punks. The names Clarisse La Rue." All eyes turned to the younger version, silently comparing them. Or, maybe they were just checking past Clarisse out. Who knows with demigods.

Clarisse stepped aside, "Move it Solace. It's your turn now." she growled. Will ran a hand through his shaggy hair and stepped forward.

"Hey guys. I'm Will Solace.," he waved awkwardly. From his spot next to Calypso, Leo snorted. Will stuck his tongue out at him. Leo gasped dramatically and placed a hand on his heart.

Rachel chuckled, "Okay idiots, let's continue before we have another geek-a-thon."

Piper groaned. "C'mon, Rachel! It was just getting interesting!"

"They can finish it later. We still have to introduce Goat Boy over here." Clarisse said, gesturing to the Satyr that was watching the interactions with a smile on his face.

Grover jumped slightly then blushed. "I'm Grover Underwood." The young Annabeth gasped, but then smiled. The past Percy grinned at his best friend.

"Damn G-man. You got old!" Percy grin grew wider, "Heh. That kinda rhymes. Damn, G-man." Grover grinned at his younger best friend and let out a bleating laugh.

"I sure am craving some dam french fries." he laughed again, seemingly forgetting that no one other than him knew what he was talking about. 

AN: I depressed my self talking about the Dam joke. Claim the Stars, Zoe. You will be missed. 

Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this new chapter, even though it is shorter than what I usually write and not as good as the other chapters. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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