Chapter One

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Cassandra walked slowly down the side streets of Dallas, Texas, slowly stopping in front of a bus bench. She had no idea where she was or how she had gotten to this place. She had woken up in an alley way, a bloodied knife beside her. She had a gash down her stomach, starting at her left upper rib and following down until it reached her hip. Blood coated the front of her white long sleeved shirt, but oddly, she felt no pain. She felt calm, content. She didn't feel the searing pain that the gash should have brought. She didn't feel the dizziness that would come with rapid blood loss. She was completely at ease.

The young girl stood behind the bus stop bench. She struggled to remember what had happened, why she had gotten hurt. She wondered how she still managed to walk and how she hadn't died yet. Looking at her wound, the fifteen year old knew she should at least be dead by now. No one can walk away from a wound like that without medical attention, but she had. She had gotten up and walked aimlessly through the dark streets, meeting no one as she did so. She didn't stop and ask someone for help, she didn't feel as though she needed to.

"Hey, are you okay?" A female voice asked the girl gently. Cassandra slowly turned her head to see a woman in her early twenties standing before her. She had blonde hair hidden behind a baseball cap. She wore a plain black hoodie with blue jeans and a pair of tennis shoes. Cassandra smiled slightly, nodding her head once.

"Are you sure? Are you hurt?" The woman asked again. The younger girl didn't know how to answer. She was hurt, but she didn't feel the pain, so was she really hurt? She probably needed stitches, but she didn't think she needed immediate help. So she simply nodded again, turning her head towards the sky to see a bird fly slowly into a nearby tree.

"Whats your name, sweetie?" The woman asked. Cassandra slowly turned back towards the mysterious woman. The younger girl raised an eyebrow as she cocked her head to the side, looking suspiciously at the older woman. Could Cassandra trust this lady? For all she knew, this could be the lady that had ran a knife across her stomach. Though it was unlikely, it was still a possibility.

"I'm Demi." The lady introduced herself, sensing Cassandra's wariness. Cassandra tilted her head back up and slowly stuck her hand out to shake with Demi. Demi looked confused for a moment, then smiled and took ahold of Cassandra's hand, shaking it gently before letting go.

"If I give you my phone, would you type your name into it?" Demi questioned. Cassandra gave her a weird look, then opened her mouth to speak. As she tried forming words, she noticed that she could not. She slowly closed her mouth and nodded slowly. Demi smiled slightly, then reached into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone, opening up the Notepad. She handed the phone to Cassandra. The young girl looked at the screen for a moment as she balanced the phone in one hand. Then with her right index finger, she slowly started typing out her name until she was finished. Then she held the phone back out to Demi.

"Cas? Is it short for Cassidy?" Cas shook her head, offering a small smile as she stared down at her worn converse.

"Cassandra?" Demi questioned, thinking of names that could have 'Cas' as a nickname. Cassandra nodded, looking up to smile at Demi quickly, the diverted her eyes back to the ground.

"Well Cas, I can't leave you out here alone. Especially if you're bleeding." Demi said, gesturing down at Cas' blood stained shirt. Cas looked down at her shirt and slowly brought her hand up to feel the gash. Her fingers traced down her shirt, but she felt nothing. Confused, Cas lifted her shirt up to see her stomach. She didn't see any marks, just a thin scar from where it had once been minutes before.

'It was just there.' Cas thought to herself. She dropped the hem of her shirt, tilting her head up to see Demi looking at her intently.

"Come with me, okay?" Demi asked, holding her hand out for Cassandra to take. Cas looked at her for a moment, but she felt as though she could trust her.

'Her intentions are pure.' A males voice echoed through Cassandra's head. Cas nodded, trusting the foreign voice. She took ahold of Demi's hand and let herself be lead down the street.

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