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Cas woke with a start and sat up abruptly. Demi, who sat beside her, let out a small shriek. She had watched Cas lay quietly, then scream in horror, then fall silent again. She didn't know what was happening to Cas, but she was worried.

"Are you okay?" Demi asked as she scooted closer to Cas. Cas whipped her head towards Demi and jumped to her feet.

"I have to go." Cassandra stated immediately. Demi have her bewildered look as Cas held a straight face.

"Do you think that's a good idea, you-"

"Yes." Cas said firmly. Demi walked towards the door, Cassandra following closely behind.

"I can't make you stay, even though I wish you would." Demi said as she opened the door. Cassandra stuck her hand out and shook Demi's hand, then stepped into the hall, Demi doing the same. Cas gave her a small smile, the turned to start walking away when she stopped. At the end of the hall, a man stood. Cas stepped in front of Demi slightly, pushing her into the apartment doorway. The man stepped closer to where he was about 5 feet away.

"Christo!" Cassandra called out. The mans eyes flipped to black as he charged Cas. Cas pushed Demi quickly out of the way and dipped under the demons arms. Cas took a look at Demi, who had her phone in her hand, dialing someone's number. Once Cas noticed it was a three digit number, meaning the police, Cas stuck her hand out towards the phone and flicked her wrist to the side. The phone flew from Demi's hand, causing her to shriek in fear.

Cas turned back towards the demon, grabbing the knife she remember she always carried in her boot. The demon ran towards her and with all her strength, she plunged the knife into it's stomach. The demon glowed in fire and burned before her hands. She pulled the knife out quickly and watched as the demon disappeared in a flame of fire.

"It's not safe for you here." Cassandra said, turning towards a fearful Demi.

"Who the hell are you?" Demi yelled, grabbing a kitchen knife and pointing it at her. Cas stepped forward and shut the apartment door behind her.

"That," Cas started, pointing to the knife, "won't hurt me." Cas took the knife from Demi and turned it towards herself. She looked up at Demi, who had a mixed of fear and confusion plastered on her face. Cas plunged the knife into her stomach, then took it out quickly, as she saw Demi jump forward to help her.

"What the hell?!" She screeched.

"I am fine. See?" Cas lifted her shirt to where her stomach could be seen. She placed her hand on the stab wound and pressed down firmly. A glow of bright light showed, then faded slowly.

"What the hell was that?" Demi asked, pointing towards Cassandra's hand, which still laid on her stomach.

"I healed myself." Cas said evenly, lifting her hand.

Demi was beyond confused, but she was also really scared. She had no idea what was going on, or who or what Cas was. All these thoughts made Demi extremely dizzy.

Cassandra watched confused as Demi fainted and fell onto the chair. Cassandra tilted her head to the side and stood in silence as she watched Demi sleep.

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