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Cas' POV/---/

"So your saying, your an, Angel?" Demi asked bewildered.

"Somewhat. And now that you've been seen with me, you're not safe."

"What the hell does that me?" She screeched, throwing her hands in the air.

"Well, it means you're not safe. Does that not make sense?" I asked confused.

"No, it doesn't, for you information." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

An intense ringing sounded in my ears, making me double over, clutching my head. A scream escaped my parted lips, as I fell to my knees.

It's the Angel-link. Something is going to happen, and it's going to happen quickly.

The ringing subsided and I quickly jumped up. I grabbed ahold of Demi's arm and pushed her into the bathroom.

"Keep quiet." I hiss lowly at her. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the salt, then sprinted back to her just as the windows to the apartment exploded. Glass shards flew in all directions, hitting anything on its path.

"Make a circle around yourself, alright? A thick circle!" I yell before I slammed the door shut. I stood in the middle of the room, waiting for something to appear.

A flutter of wings sounded behind me, causing me to turn. As soon as I was facing the Angels, the fist of the first collided with my jaw. I went sprawling to the floor, my body being covered in broken glass.

I sprung back to my feet, then duck and rolled as the Angel Blade of the second Angel passed dangerously close to my throat. I swung my leg out and knocked the first one of his feet, then took a sharp piece of glass and swung at the second.

I knew these Angels. They were my own siblings. Caleb and Tessa. They used to not want to kill me, but that was before God chose me over the others for his Advisor. Now I'm on everyone's hit list.

I pulled my Angel Blade out of my boot and pushed the blade into Caleb's stomach. I clutched my teeth together as I pulled the blade out.

"I'm sorry brother." I whispered. I turned swiftly towards Tessa, seeing the flames burning behind her eyes.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Tessa."

"Did Father tell you that?" She spat out, then lunged at me. I grabbed her arm and flipped her over my shoulder, making her fall onto her back behind me.

"Tessa please! I don't want to kill you, but if I have to, I will."

"You'll kill your own sister?" She screamed tackling me into the glass shards.

"It's my job!" I yelled back, stabbing the blade through her heart. She exploded in a blast of light? Leaving me panting on the ground.

"You can come out now!" I called out to Demi. She hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom, taking in her surroundings.

"I'll get this cleaned up." I spoke, my voice wavering as I tried to stand. My hands were trembling and my head was fuzzy. I shook my head and leaned against the wall behind me to steady myself.

I held out my hands, causing a light blue beam to shoot out, expanding to fit the room. The glass shard pieces joined back together and fit back into their original places. Every thing that was once broken, returned to normal.

"Um.. Thanks?" Demi spoke, running her fingers through her hair.

"No-No... Prob-" I fell forward, my mind spiraling. I felt hands go around my body and push me up to lean against the wall.

"Hey, hey. Keep your eyes open, okay? Come on kid." Demi instructed, but she sounded far away. I tried to focus on her voice, but I kept fading in and out.

My eyes became in focused and my palms became sweaty. I fell over onto my side, falling into unconsciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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