Chapter Two

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Demi led Cassandra over to the couch that sat in her apartment. She sat Cas down and told her to stay still. As Cas heard that, she immediately stiffened, making Demi confused. Demi walked into her bathroom and got her first-aid kit that she used only for emergencies. She also quickly called Marissa and told her to get over to her house as soon as possible.
When Demi reentered into the living area she left Cassandra, she noticed that she was quietly talking to herself. Demi, confused, walked over to Cas and kneeled before her.
"This may hurt." Demi said, taking out a bottle of antiseptic spray. She sprayed the medicine on a cut that was on Cas' lower arm. Cas winced slightly, but other than that she was fine with the pain.
"What do you call that?" Cas asked, her voice raspy and hoarse. Demi smiled slightly, finally hearing Cas' voice.
"It's antiseptic spray. You spray it on cuts and they will heal faster, and not get infected." Cas listened intently to Demi's explanation, nodding in understanding. Cas couldn't remember much of what anything was, now that she thought of it.
A chime went off and Cas looked around startled, trying to find where the noise had originated from.
"It's OK, it's OK." Demi soothed, "it's just a friend." Demi stood up and went over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to find a girl about her age. Cas felt outnumbered, trapped. Like she had been through something like this before.
"No harm will be made upon you, Cassandra." A voice echoed inside her head. This time, it wasn't a males voice like before. It was a soft, females voice. Which calmed her more than the males had. Cas nodded slightly, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.
"Cas? This is my friend Marissa." Demi said gently, gesturing to her friend. Cas' eyes snapped open, her head tilting slightly. A small smile played at her lips as she nodded in acknowledgment. Marissa gave her a smile before going and sitting beside her.
"Do you remember what happened?" She questioned. Cas shook her head 'no'. Marissa looked up at Demi who stood in front of us, arms crossed.
"Do you remember how you got outside?" Marissa questioned, trying to see what Cas did remember. Again Cas shook her head.
"I don't remember anything." This time when she spoke, her speech wasn't raspy or hoarse. It was clear and angelic. She was shocked and somewhat startled.
Demi smiled, hearing the clearness in Cas' voice.
"You have a beautiful voice Cassandra." Demi smiled.
"Thank you." Cas said quietly.
"Do you remember anything?" Marissa asked, a small smile on her lips.
"No." Cas said flatly. She didn't remember anything. It was like someone built a wall in her mind, blocking her from remembering anything. She was lost.
"Do you know where you are?" Marissa questioned. Cas nodded her head, looking up at Demi, then to Marissa.
"I am in Demi's apartment." She stated. Demi laughed quietly, causing Marissa to glare at her. I gave a confused look.
"I am at Demi's apartment; in Texas." I clarify, sensing that I had not answered correctly. Marissa nodded with a smile.
A sudden pain ran through Cas' chest. A searing pain that edged through her veins. It felt like someone had shot acid into her system, and it was being brought through her whole body. Her head pounded and she let out a small scream, then she felt nothing.
She found herself in a dark room. The room was cold, abandoned. Cas couldn't see or hear anything. It was silent, still. A blast of red light shined down on a figure tied to a pentagram. The figure screamed and thrashed as it tried to get free. As Cas watched in horror, she realized that the person wasn't just any person, but herself. It was her who was tied to the pentagram, screaming in agony. Just as quick as the screaming came, it vanished.
Cas now found herself in a house, her old house. The house that brought back good and bad memories. The house that burned.

That's what everyone called it. The demons, the angels. The Djinn. Everyone knew it as The House that Burned. It was a small house, cottage like really. It was barely big enough to hold her mother, brother, and herself. They managed, though. She watched as her mother left the stove to go up the small stairs to the attic, where my brother and I were playing Knights and Dragons. We had knocked over a vase with our plastic swords, causing Mom to come check on us. The image twisted from our Mom climbing the stairs, to the stove. A cloaked figure stood before it, turning the gas knobs. She held a lighter above them, then with a simple flick of her finger, the air was on fire.
Cas was plunged into another memory. A man and woman stood above her as she laid lifeless on a riverbank. She was attacked by an animal, which to her was invisible. She didn't see it, but she heard it. She heard it's menacing growl and the sound of her shirt being ripped as the beasts claws tore into her flesh. Blood was strewn everywhere, as were pieces of fabric. The light was fading quickly from her eyes, but she caught a glimpse of the beautiful pair that saved her life. All she remembers after that, was the feel of a soft hand on her forehead, then the blinding light that shined in her eyes.

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