Chapter 1 - It Begins

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Valerie's P.O.V

This is it. The first day of senior year. My last year in this hell hole before going off to California for college. I cannot wait to get out of this narrow minded town and live my life.

Although, waking up with twenty minutes to get ready for your first day is not a good start.

I smacked the alarm clock and flew out of my bed, hit the floor and ran around my room trying to find something decent to wear to school.

"Where the fuck are my converse?!" I muttered to myself, as I paced my room trying to find them.

Today was really looking like it was gonna be hell.

The next thing I know, my brother burst into the room, all ready to go, with my converse in his hands. 

My hero.

"Looking for these?" he said, with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Thanks Luke!" I said, grabbing them off him and kissing his cheek, before running to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I hear him laugh as I run past, but then everything else leaves my mind when I see how bad my hair is today. 

"Shit!" I yell, grabbing the brush and trying to tame my hair, even just a little bit. Nothing. Fuck. I brush my teeth and throw my hair into a bun, maing it look like a messy bun instead of a bush.

As I run down the stairs, one shoe on, one in my hand, I nearly crash into Luke, who subtely left me past, before grabbing his bag and the car keys, telling my he'll meet me in the car.

I put on my other shoe, yell bye to my Mom and then jump out to the car, only for my day to get 1000 times worse. 

Standing right beside my brother is the local bad boy. The asshole.

Ashton Irwin.


Forgot those two were best buddies now, all cause of that dumb band. 

All of a sudden, I'm lifted onto someones shoulder and spun around. 

"HI VAL" Mickey yells, as he puts me down slowly, knowing I'll be dizzy as hell.

"Hey buddy, how was those two weeks without me in Cancun?" I ask, and his face drops.

"They where absolute hell! All Calum did was annoy me and tell me we should fuck already!"

"WELL ITS TRUE!" Cal yells from behind Luke, noyl for Luke to turn around and growl at him.

"My sister isn't becoming apart of this bullshit, okay?" he said, being my hero again.

"It's not like you can stop the entire school from chasing her when they find out she's the only virgin left in the school. You know how they all get" Mickey sais, before looking at Ashton's face lightening up, and smacking his own. "Forgot he's in the lead"

"Thanks" I mutter, before jumping in the car, Cal and Mickey following behind me on either side in the back, keeping me at least reasonably safe from the player.

Ashton and Luke get in at the same time, Ashton grinning and Luke looking ready to kill something. Shit.

"So, Val, you're still a virgin I hear? Want me to change that?" he said, smiling into the backseat. I felt Mickey and Cal's arms going around my shoulders at the same time, before Luke spoke up.

"My sister isn't getting involved in this. I don't care Ashton. You touch her I will kill you." he said, before slamming on the gas and driving us all to school.

Not another noise was made except from the car and Luke's cursing as he drove. Ashton just sat glumly in the front seat, while Cal and Mickey kept up they're protective hold of me.

Once we pulled up to school, we all got out, and I swear, it was as if every boy in the school had lost they're mind.

As soon as we got into the school, every senior we passed would either try to ask me out or try to yank me away from the guys and get my attention.

I say try.

They all failed because Luke and quite surprisingly Ashton were telling them to shove it where the sun don't shine, whereas my two idiot bestfriends didn't seem to be letting go of me anytime soon.

Once I reached my locker, the only one who stayed with me was, again quite surpisngly Ashotn, who leaned against the locker beside mine, before pushing himself forward and opening it, retrieving some books.

"I didn't know your locker was right beside mine" I said, looking directly at him.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Val" he said, before putting his arm around my shoulder and walking me over to where Luke was, waiting for us before the usual assembly began.

"Just so you know, I will try to get on a date with you, but I'm going to respect your brothers wishes, and leave it all up to you. No chase, no hump and dump. But I will make you fall for me Val. I rpomise you that" he whispered into my ear, before we stopped infront of Luke, where Luke grabbed my arm and held me under his, keeping me safe from all the seniors.

"How did they all find out?" I whispered, compltely confused as to how they all knew, when Ashton only found out this morning.

"Apparently that old friend of yours, Natalie, told everyone at some party last night" Ashton said, before shoving some boy out of the way, who appeared to be trying to hand me roses.


Before we got into the hall for assembly, Luke and Ashton did this weird fist pump thing, then Luke pulled me to the side.

"Look V, I'm not in amy of your classes this year, but Ashton is in all of them, so I've asked him to make sure you're okay. I know you hate me being like this, and I know you hate him, but I need to make sure that you don't get dragged into these games. I don't want you to lose it this way. I made him promise too that if he trys it with you it has to have nothing to do with these games. Okay?"

"Luke, relax. I get it. I honestly do, and if you want Ashton to make sure I'm safe, then that's fine, but don't expect me not to hit him"

He laughed, and then hugged me.

"I wouldn't expect any less than for you to hit him sis"

To Be Continued.....

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