Ashton The Asshole AKA My Guardian Angel

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Val's P.O.V

As class finished, I left the room and made my way to the lunch room, deciding that today I'd sit beside the girls for a change, seeing as I hadn't seen them for the whole summer, as they all went on holiday while I was stuck here with the guys and the asshole.

As I grab some pizza and went to sit beside them, I was pulled away from them and out of the lunchroom completely.

"What the hell?! Ashton, let me go!" I yelled, trying to pull myself away, only to feel someones massive hand cover my mouth, and to feel breathing against my ear.

"It's not Ashton slut, but lets see if I can make you scream louder than he ever could" he whispered against my ear, the accent in his voice telling me it definitely wasn't Ashton.


I bit the guys hand, and elbowed him in the ribs, but that did nothing. All he did was grunt, and then hold me tighter, hurting me even more than he already was.

"Oh, so we have a fighter on our hands? Well then, I'll show you what you get for fighting against me. I'll completely destroy you"

Fuck fuck fuck.

I tried to scream, anything. Kicked him, everything I could think of, but nothing worked. We just kept getting closer and closer to the place that I really didn't want to go with this creep.

The janitor's closet.

Fuckitty fuck shit.

"C'mon you little whore, stop struggling gainst what I know you really want" 

No, no. I can't lose my virginity like this. It can't happen this way.

As he shoves me into the closet and locks the door behind him, I know I only have seconds of having my mouth free before I'm in serious trouble. 

Not that I'm already not in serious trouble or anything.

I start screaming at the top of my lungs, screaming for help, someone. I hear him whisper shit, then punch the side of my head.

Then everything became blurry, and it was so hard to keep my eyes open, but God knows I tried, and I did.

I faintly heard yelling, and then I'm sure someone kicked the door down.

Next thing I know, the creep is no longer on top of me, and I'm being carried away from everything.

"Val, angel, please be okay. Please stay awake. I'm so sorry, I should've kept you with me" I hear him say, as he carries me away from the monster.

"Hi Ash Bash, thank you" I try to say, and he holds me tighter, but this doesnt hurt. It feels nice.

"Shh Angel, try to save your energy okay? Just stay with me, I can't lose you again"

"What do you mean lose me? You never did" I mutter sleepily, ready to just pass out.

"I did, and it's the worst mistake I ever made" is the last thing I hear him say, before I pass out completely.

Ashton's P.O.V.

Trying to find Val in this damn school when all she wants is for me to leave her alone is impossible. Doesn't she know that I can never leave her alone?

Doesn't she know that even if all she does is show me hate and disgust, it still just makes me want to hug her, hold her and never let go?

Of course she doesn't. 

She just thinks I'm some stupid manwhore who is incapable of feeling anything other than lust.

I was about to give up and just go and sit with the guys, until I heard her scream. 

I'd know that sound anywhere. Except it wasn't like when we were growing up and I was tickling her. It was a scream of fear.

I knew where she was without even thinking. 

I ran down the hall, and sure enough, I heard her scream come out of the janitor's closet one more time before a thwomping sound and then a crash.

He just hit her.

All I could see was red as I kicked the door open. My vision became even redder when I saw some asshole hovering over her while she was nearly passed out, trying to pull up her top. I grabbed him by his shirt collar, and shoved him against the wall.

"If you ever come near her again, jail time will be a blessing asshole" I growled at him, before throwing him to the side, and in a glance seeing Luke and Calum behind me grbbing the guy before he could run away.

"Not today asshole, that's my little sister" Luke said, before punching him in the face and knocking him out cold.

I forgot all about them when I saw her trying to move. I swooped downa nd picked her up, and started carrying her out of there, taking her to the nurses office. I didn't look behind me, but I knew Cal and Luke where behind me dragging that son of a bitch along with them. I saw Mickey a little bit ahead, running as he made his way up to warn the nurse.

Thank God, don't need to explain anything.

"Val, angel, please be okay. Please stay awake. I'm so sorry, I should've kept you with me" I say, hoping that she can actually hear me. Please let her be okay.

"Hi Ash Bash, thank you" she whispers, and I swear I nearly jump for joy hearing her call me that. I suqeeze her a little, letting her know I heard her. She just sighs and snuggles into my chest. Oh God.

"Shh Angel, try to save your energy okay? Just stay with me, I can't lose you again" I say, my voice breaking with pain.

"What do you mean lose me? You never did" she muttered sleepily, ready to just pass out.

"I did, and it's the worst mistake I ever made" I say, before I look down and see that she's already passed out.


I start to jog a little, making sure not to move hr as I do, knowing that the lump on her head could do so much mo0re damage than what we see.


Please God, let her be okay.

The Virginity PactNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ