School Assembly's Suck Ass

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Val's P.O.V

As I took my usual seat beside Luke and Cal, I saw Ashton sitting in front of us beside Mickey, and then Becca waving at me from a little further down. My crazy assed best friend Becky, who has the biggest crush on Mickey. God it was funny.

As soon as she stopped waving, the doors shut as usual and the lights dimmed. The spotlight focused on the stage and onto our 'beloved' principal Mr. Crowley.

Ironic huh?

"Good morning everyone! It's so good to see you all back here, and to your new students, I welcome you to Dalbeatie High. I hope you have a great time with us in this school"

"They will when they discover our games" Cal whispered to me, earning him an elbow to the ribs. He grimaced and then faced the front again.

"Now, to our seniors. You guys are top of the school, you should be setting the right example for the rest of the school, and showing them what great people you all are. I ask of you only this: Do not, I repeat, Do NOT participate in these so called games you guys play with each other. We have found out the consequences of these games the hard way, and it's time that you all stop being so childish"

All the seniors starting looking around, trying to figure out what he meant by consequences.What the hell?

"If you don't know by now, then I'll tell you. Abigail Irwin was found dead three weeks ago after being brought into these games. She fell for the boy, and when it turned out to be a lie, she was heart broken. She was then followed by ridicule and bullying for buying into what she was fed, and couldn't take it anymore. These are the consequences for doing something that appalling to another human being. You can destroy them completely. I beg of you, no more harm, no more games"

Luke pulled me closer to him as the whispers spread. 


Abigail no.

You didn't.

Tell me you didn't.

I looked around, and found Ashton's eyes. He looked at me with sorrow, and then looked behind me, his sorrow turning to fury. I turned around and saw David getting high fives off of on of his friends.

That absolute dickhead.

I was about to jump out of seat and attack him, before Mr. Crowley spoke up.

"We have in-fact found out the people who were the cause of Abigail's distress and later death, and those people will be dealt with according to the law. I hope you all know that it is now illegal to cause someone that much distress that it leads them to taking they're own life, and will be viewed in court as murder. Yes, you might have not actually killed her, but you are the reason, and the law now sees that as straight up murder"

As soon as that was said, David and his group of friends jumped up and made a beeline for the exits, only to be grabbed by officers that where waiting in the sidelines.

Holy shit.

I looked over at Ashton, to see that Mickey and Calum where holding him back.


Abigail's last name.

Is Irwin.


I jumped out of my seat and grabbed Ashton's shoulders, looking him straight in the eye.

"Let me go kill them Val. Please" he said, his voice sounding broken.

"No, they aren't worth it"

"They killed my cousin Val, I need to kill them"

"She wouldn't want you in jail. She'd want you to learn from they're mistakes" I said, before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him. After a second or two, the guys let him go and he hugged me back, his body shaking as he gripped me as if I was the last thing on earth.

"Thanks Val" he whispered into my ear.

"It's fine" I whispered back, remembering the times when I didn't hate him, and how much I actually miss having him as my friend.

4 Years Ago

"VAL!" he yelled, chasing me through my backyard. "Give me back my drumsticks!"

"NEVER!" I yelled back, running from him as fast as I could, laughing as I did so. 

All too soon though, he had his arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up and then pinning me down on the grass.

Damn him and his impossibly long legs.

"Val, give me my drumsticks, or else"

"Or else what?"

"Okay, you asked for it" 

He began tickling me, and I laughed so much that I dropped the drumsticks, but he just kept tickling me.

"A-A-Ashton, p-p-please!" I said, trying to get him to stop. He stopped and just stared at me, then shook his head and grabbed the drumsticks.

"Hahahaha!" he yelled, running away from me before I had even finished getting up.


Present Time

I wanted to cry from that memory alone.

Fuck, why did the asshole have to be my oldest friend? My best friend?

As he let me go, I saw him subtly wipe his tears away, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, nodding to the boys and then leaving the auditorium with all the other students.

We headed off in different directions to class. Well, the other three boys did, but Ashton stayed right beside me, with his arms around my shoulder still as we headed off to Art.

As I looked around , I saw a lot of people looking really sad, but I knew this wouldn't stop the games. Nothing would.

Abigail's death meant nothing to most of these people.

I know that the only person it affected was Ashton, who still looked like he wanted to kill something.

"Val, remember when we were 6, and you accused me of stealing your favourite Barbie?" he asked me out of the blue, looking down at me.

"Yeah" I said, not sure where he was going with this.

"I didn't. It's still under your bed. I hid it from you, and you didn't speak to me for three weeks after that. You never did find it, did you?"

"No. Asshole, why didn't you tell me back then it was under my bed?"

"Cause you always played with it, and I wanted you to play with me more"

I just laughed, and kept walking with him. I heard him sigh, and then felt him looking at me.

"What Ashton?"

"I-I...never mind" he said, before opening the door to the art class and walking us over to my usual spot.

"Wait, how did you know I always sit here?" I asked, confused as hell.

"Cause I normally sit right behind you" he said, pointing to the seat that I'd always felt someone sitting behind me watching me, but whenever I looked the kid had his face covered with a book.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You hate me, and I didn't want to piss you off in your favourite class" he said, before sitting down and opening his bag, leaving the conversation at that.

Well, would you look at that.

The asshole wasn't as big of an asshole as I thought.

I just shook my head of that ridiculous thought and opened my bag, deciding to just ignore him for the rest of the day, and try to go back to this morning when I hated him.

Not now where I don't hate him.


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