Part 3

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Kim ran into SMent "Wow those fan girls are crazy about the best friend trio BaekDChen( Baekhyun,D.O.,Chen)? checking the time on her black gshock smiling.

"Chen still doesn't know I stole his black gshock to wear and look at the time it has been 15 minutes!!! Holy macaroons!!!!"

Kim began to run when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw no one there.  Suddenly, someone jumped in front of her. "BOO!!!"  She fell. "haha you still startle easily. baby chic. We miss you."

Kim was angry that he was trying to flirt with her. She belongs to Chen. "ahhh omg what the hell? who do you think you are? baby chic!? I am no baby chic!! and why do you have a picture of me... Creeper much."

Ryeowook yells "Hey idiot Panda?! Don't you ever look up before judging people?! Remember you said you should never judge a person until you know them? You just broke that rule." Kim's eyes widen as she looks up when he said that.

" NO WAY!!!! AHHHH Kyuhyun Oppa!?? Ryeowook Oppa!?? HI! How have you guys been I miss you guys so much!"

"We miss you a lot too and we've been doing well. How about you? What r u doing here and with so many water bottles?"

"oh this? It is for the EXO Oppa's. You guys know them right Kyuhyun gēgē." (a/n gēgē= older brother) "The Exo dongsengs? Ahhhhh you know D.O. and the gang?" Ryeowook questioned.

"yes! I just met them all today except Chen. I met Chen in America."

Kyuhyun's curiosity grew... "why are you here??? I thought you were in the US studying international relations at Boston University?"

"I have Finished. Are you unaware it has been 6 years already? I moved here a couple of months ago after receiving my Masters Degree."

Kyuhyun: "what does international relations have to do with you knowing Exo though??? I thought you wanted to go to New Castle, UK since your Boo moved there?????"

"Hey...Hey...Hey one question at a time okay? To answer your question the UK holds bad memories for me. As for me and Min....he....he...he...he..." Kim stops speaking and tears for in her eyes.

Ryeowook notices Kim tearing up "Kim? are you alright? what happened?? did that hyung break your heart?? cause I will hunt him down if he did."

Kyuhyun mumbling "I swear if he broke the promise he made me I will kill him!"

Kim felt bad for making her oppa's worry. She is about to lie when she heard Kyuhyun mumble something. "what did you say Kyuhyun Oppa?"

Kyuhyun looks down as he panics "ah, nothing, what happened anyways?" Kim sighed and began to cry harder. "Min got into a car accident. while he was in New Castle. It was all my fault. When I had gotten to the UK... I met my old friend and I didn't know why, but when I saw my friend again it was like time had stopped. While, I was there I spent most of my time with my friend and not Min. Min got mad and we got into an argument that didn't end well. We ended up breaking up. I still remember that day vividly. It was all my fault." Kim cries even harder

Kyuhyun hugged her "its okay Kim. It isn't you fault. What else happened that day?"

Kim sighed "That day I was with my friend, i went to go get coffee as he was telling me about how his dad is offering me a job the in the UK Law Firm his father owns. I decided to take the job. When I went to Min's house...


"Min Oppa??!! Min Oppa!!!?? Ah I found you!!! Guess what???"

Min stares blankly at the tv screen and ignores Kim. "Oppa what wrong? why are you ignoring me? Oppaaaaaaaaa." doing aeygo

Min sighs and angrily yells "Because I hate you!! I hate you!! get out!! You are so annoying to me! why don't you go and hang out with Johnny when since you are with him all the time and not me!! Your own boyfriend!!"

Kim is shocked and tears form "fine... I didn't know you felt that way. I have been meeting up with Johnny, so much because you know why? because...I wanted to move here to be with you... and his father offered me job...a his law firm...but it doesn't matter anymore because you hate me..."

Mins eyes widen from shock realizing he made a big mistake and let his jealousy get to him. He ran after Kim. He saw her running across the street without looking when a car was coming towards her.

[Kim's POV]

I was running as far away from him as I can. I didn't even notice that I ran into the busy street. I looked up and saw a car coming towards me. I don't know why, but I wanted to die. There, right at that moment when I felt someone push me out of the way.

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