Crank Up For What?

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ChallengeMcGee changed the name from "Hewwo?" to Old People Am I Right?

ChallengeMcGee: Omg I love how old people have mini cute gardens and everyone is so like adorable I looove old people

YaHOO BOY: Alright calm down before you get arrested

Blanket: What?

ChallengeMcGee: I mean, old peeps are usually so delicate and gentle and smiley it's adorable okay

YaHOO BOY: Shit where's that gif of Captain Marvel punching that old lady

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Aren't you literally a search engine?

ThompsonTheTankEngine: I'm eating noodles and I'm wearing my glasses and every time I eat some my glasses fog up

ThompsonTheTankEngine: It's infuriating

ChallengeMcGee: R.I.P.

YaHOO BOY: Wait Mrs Thompson, have you finally figured out texting?

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Oh no deary, I'm getting Berniece to do it, she's such a sweetheart

Maybe It's Mikebeline: I wonder if Mrs Thompson actually said that or if that was actually just Berniece complimenting herself

ChallengeMcGee: Guess we'll never know

ThompsonTheTankEngine: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Blanket: Berniece why

YaHOO BOY: I'mmagonnafuckingkermit

Maybe It's Mikebeline: You're gonna fuck Kermit?

ChallengeMcGee: Yahoo is sexually attracted to frogs pass it on

Maybe It's Mikebeline: *They're turning the freaking frogs gay*

ChallengeMcGee: Gay

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Frogs

ChallengeMcGee: Gay

Blanket: How come Challenge's username is just his name

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Aw man

YaHOO BOY: It's because he's such a little known ego it would be confusing any other way

ChallengeMcGee: At least I'm canon!

ThompsonTheTankEngine: *Munches popcorn*

YaHOO BOY: At least that means people wanted me, everyone is just stuck with you

ChallengeMcGee: *Gasp* I'M ADOPTED?!

Maybe It's Mikebeline: 991 What you smoking

Blanket: Aren't you literally a drug dealer

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Why the fuck do you think I'm asking

It's Ya Boi: guuuuuuys stop blowing up my notifications it's too early for me to deal with this shit

Blanket: Hello Ethan!

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Oh look, it's the creator, here to grace us with his presence no doubt

It's Ya Boi: yousaythatlikeisignedupforthisbullshit

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Mrs Thompson says Hi and I say Bi

It's Ya Boi:  Why is Mrs Thompson speaking in third person?

YaHOO BOY: She still hasn't learnt how to use a phone so Berniece is doing it for her

Maybe It's Mikebeline: It's going as well as you would think

It's Ya Boi: Riiiiiiiiight Okay well, I think I'm gonna leave you guys to it

ChallengeMcGee: Aw come on, you never stick around!

It's Ya Boi: Everytime I come on here you remove years from my life expectancy I did not sign up for this when I started Youtube

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Then What the hell did you sign up for

ThompsonTheTankEngine: You Know you love me

Blanket: Don't you mean us?

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Did I fucking stutter

It's Ya Boi: Why did you guys even add me to this, you never answered whenever I ask and I know for a fact that Mark's or Jack's egos don't include them in anything they do

Blanket: You're nice!

ChallengeMcGee: None of us are actively trying to kill you

YaHOO BOY: "actively"

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Debatable

Blanket: ...

It's Ya Boi: I'm scared

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Don't worry, you're not worth the effort

It's Ya Boy: Oh now I feel so much better

ThompsonTheTankEngine: It's not Iike it's hard to kill someone, anyone could kill someone

YaHOO BOY: A duck could kill someone

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Stop stealing from tumblr ya ain't funny

It's Ya Boi: Okay you guys still haven't really explained anything

Maybe It's Mikebeline: You give us free food

It's Ya Boi: What? No I don't?

Maybe It's Mikebeline: Well I count it as free

It's Ya Boi: Have you been stealing my food?! Is that why my fridge is so empty nowadays?!



ThompsonTheTankEngine removed It's Ya Boi from the chat

ThompsonTheTankEngine: Crisis averted

Blanket: Guys this is why no one ever includes us in things

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