Ako's confession to Kanata

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(This chapter was inspired by the shoujo manga Love so life AND I RECOMMEND IT IT'S MY FAVE MANGA~)

It was break for M4 and S4. Kanata went home to see how things were going when once he walked into the house, his mother came running over to him looking panicky. 
"Kana chan!" she cried. Kanata was confused. 
"What happened?" He asked. 
"The neighbours next door wanted us to look after their little three year old twins because they were going on holidays but... Me and your dad are  gonna go to London..." his mum replied dramatically. Kanata knew where this was going. 
"So you want me to look after them instead?" 
"Nawww Kana chan you're just way too smart!" His mum grinned. Kanata sighed. 
"My break's only for one week." 
"And you'll be looking after them for one week. I'm going to the airport now! Just go next door, I've told them that you're looking after the twins already." Kanata's mum said. Kanata shrugged.
"Okay. Have fun. Tell my brother I said hi." he said as his mum pulled her luggage out the door. 
"Of course! Love you, bye!!" and that was it. Kanata stood there and took a deep breath. He put his things down and went into his room. Nothing had changed. Kanata decided to just go next door to pick up the twins. He rang the door bell and heard footsteps. The door slowly swung open to reveal a lady who looked as if she was about thirty years old. 

"Kira san, long time no see! Oh, you're here to pick up the twins right?" she asked. 
"Yes, how have you been Aihara san?" Kanata asked politely as two little kids came sprinting over. 
"I've been great! Here they are, the boy is Kiseki and the girl is Mirai!" Aihara introduced her twins. Kanata nodded nervously. He did not know what to do with little children. Aihara explained a few things about the twins like allergies and what to do. Then she gave him two bags of clothes and toys.
"They're sweet little angels so everything will be fine!" 

Sweet little angels huh? Kanata sat on his couch while the twins repeatedly asked him random questions. 
"Kanata tan, Kanata tan! What do you like better? Kitties or puppies?"
"Kanata chii, Kanata chii! What's your favouwit colour?" 
"Kanata tan, Kanata tan! Do you like mangoes?"
That was it. Kanata took out his phone and dialed Ako's number. Ako picked up a few seconds later. 
"What do you want?" Ako huffed. 
"...Help me..." Kanata replied as Mirai played with his hair. 
"Are you okay?!" Ako asked. 
"You need to come over right now, or I might die." Kanata replied as Kiseki poked his face. 
"Wh-what?! Where are you?" Ako asked quickly. Kanata told her his address and minutes later, there were knocks on the door. The twins scurried over to it and tried to open it but weren't tall enough. Kanata went over to open the door. Ako stood there, she looked like she had run all the way here. 
"What? I thought that you were in danger." Ako scratched her head. Then she looked down to see the twins hiding behind Kanata's legs. She crouched down and smiled. 
"Who are you two?" She said in a kind voice. The twins didn't say anything, they just stared at her. 
"Come in." Said Kanata. He led Ako and and they sat down in the kitchen as the twins played with a teddy bear. Kanata explained everything quickly. Ako burst out laughing. 
"Of course I can help you! I love being with little kids!" she told Kanata. Kanata smiled at her. 
"Thank you. I'm not sure what I'll do without you." he said. Ako went slightly red. 

"I'm gonna go see the twins now..." she said quickly and stood up to go to the twins.

"I'll make you some tea!" Kanata called after her. 

"Yep!" came back to him. 

"Sooo... Kiseki kun and Mirai chan right?" Ako asked them. The twins nodded. 

"Ako chi! Do you like kitties?" Mirai spoke up. Ako smiled at her. 
"Yep!" She replied. Mirai poked Ako's cat ears. 
"Ako tan... Can you make me some cat ears too?" Mirai asked shyly. 

"Of course!! Mirai chan, you have such long and pretty hair, it'd be a waste not to style it!" Ako replied patting Mirai on the head. Kanata walked over holding a cup of tea. He gave it to Ako. Ako took a sip. 

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