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"Hobi and Yoongi can come in. You can leave." I say to Jungkook.

"Um why?" He asked.

Oh right, he doesn't know I'm upset about him.

I sigh sadly. "Fine come in.. We have pizza.." I mutter as I walk in.

I grab my plate of pizza and I touch Tae's and Jimin's shoulder, meaning for them to follow me. Both of them understood me so they grabbed their drinks and plates.

I went into the living and sat on the big carpet. Tae sat on the carpet with me but Jimin sat on the chair.

"You didn't wanna sit with Mr.LoveBoy then?" Jimin said. It sounded like he was almost teasing me.

I gave him a death glare. "Keep. Your. Voice. DOWN!" I shouted.

"Girl, you need to keep your voice down." Tae said as he took a bite out of his pizza.

I turned so I was facing the telly. I the remote to change the channel over. I was flicking through the channels until the news caught my eye.

'It is currently Wednesday 22nd December, 11.30 pm and we have some really important news. We advise you to watch. Later on this evening there will be a snow storm. This means that everywhere will be blocked up and you will not be able to leave the current house you are in. The storm is reportedly meant to last for three weeks. This might change but stayed tuned for more information.'

"THREE WEEKS INSIDE WITH THESE DORKS?!" I shouted, not knowing what I was saying.

The rest of the boys ran into the living room with their pizzas. "What?!" They said in sync.

"The news basically said that there's a snow storm coming later tonight and it will last three weeks. They said that the current house you are in is the one that you'll be blocked in." I said.

Hobi was smiling.

Yoongi looked annoyed.

Tae was also smiling.

Jin seemed pleased.

Namjoon was alright.

Jimin was okay.

But Jungkook.

Jungkook looked annoyed. More annoyed than Yoongi which scared me a bit.

"No! I have a girlfriend!" Jungkook said. All of us looked at him.

"Which one?" I said sarcastically. I honestly didn't mean to say that.

"Excuse me?" He said, sounding shocked.

"The group chat? What Yoongi said? You're a playboy Jungkook. Don't even regret it. Now that Yoongs has said the truth I can finally see your true colours and to be hoenst.. I hate it!"

Everyone looked at me. They all looked surprised for what I said to him. I looked at Jin. He was smiling- no he was smirking.

"Yoongs?" Yoongi said but everyone ignored him.

"I have to go to my girlfriend-" Jungkook said but Namjoon stopped him.

"No. There's a snow storm going on out there. If you leave you'll freeze to death and I'll fire you. Simple as that" Namjoon said.

"Fire me?! For leaving a stupid girls house?!" Jungkook shouted.

"Yes and if you continue with the name calling then you'll be fired. She is no where near stupid. If anything, you are the stupid one here." I Namjoon said with a stern look.

This is going to be a long three weeks.


It was now 12.45 am. We were all talking except for Jungkook. Jin stood up and walked into the other room, signalling for me to follow him.

So that's what I did. I looked at him and smiled. That was until he said, "Would you be alright with sleeping in the living room with all the boys?"

My eyes widened. I may be twenty six but I've never had to sleep in the same room with the opposite gender.

"Y-Yeah that would be fine.." I stuttered.

"Alright! I'll go and sort out all the blankets and pillows. I'll be back in a minute, please go and tell the boys what's happening" He said softly as he walked away into another room.

We are both lucky that we managed to get a big house.

I made my way backing into the living room and and looked at all the boys, them looking back at me.

"S-So.. All of us will have to sleep in this room tonight.. Is that okay?" I asked. All of them nodded. Except for one. Jungkook.

I ignored him and told all the boys where to sleep.

"Yoongi you can sleep on that chair, Namjoon you can sleep on the other one. Jimin, Tae, Hobi and me can sleep on the big carpe. Don't worry it's very comfortable! And Jungkook.. You can sleep wherever you want except for my room and Jin's room. To everyone those two rooms are off limits." I say as I smile.

Jimin, Tae and Hobi moved to the carpet. Yoongi moved to the smaller chair and Namjoon moved to the bigger one. I looked over to see Jungkook on the carpet. I mentally roll my eyes.

After all of us got settled down after Jin gave us the blankets. Yoongi was the first to sleep, then Namjoon.

But I found it a bit uncomfortable to sleep:

Jimin, Tae, me, Jungkook, Hobi

I was next to Jungkook and Tae was hugging me. I didn't not sign up for this. I had enough. I got up gently, trying not to wake Tae up.

I moved away from the carpet and looked back. I smiled warmly as I saw Tae now hugging Jungkook. If Jungkook was awake Tae would be dead.

I made my way to my room. Bad idea. It. Was. Freezing. I got my blanket and pillow and took them into Jin's room. There was no way I was sleeping here tonight.

I knocked on Jin's door.

"Come in!" He said.

Why is he still awake?

I opened the door to see Jin on his massive bed. He was on his phone and he looked tired.

"What's wrong? Did any of them do anything to you?" He asked softly. No matter what he said, he could never get angry and I find it cute..

"Nothing is wrong, I just felt uncomfortable on the carpet and it was freezing in my room. C-Can I sleep in your room for tonight, please?" I ask feeling shy.

He smiled warmly. "Of course you can sleep in here!" He said like a child.

I say thank you and put my pillow on the floor.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Getting ready to sleep.. What do you mean?"

"Sorry, but your not sleeping on the floor" He patted his bed next to him. "You're sleeping here.."

I hesitated slightly. I sighed softly as I climbed into the bed with him. This shouldn't feel weird.. Right? We've known each other since we were thirteen...

"You feel warmer now?" He asked, looking over at me. I shook my head slightly.

"Not really.." I say as I shiver. He put his phone down and moved closer to me.

"Turn the other way.." He said. I did what I was told and felt warm, strong arms around me. I closed my eyes straight away and soon fell asleep.


Sorry this was so long!

Word counter - 1201

Thank you for reading!~

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