Chapter 1

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Worlds Collide:


"What's that in the sky? It's breaking?!" Someone shouted as they suddenly looked up from the ground past the huge wall. "W-What's happening?!" Another person shouted out, terrified. Hanji, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Connie, and Moblit looked up from their horses as they heard the screaming and shouting. "Captain! Look in the sky!" Connie shouted to their squad captain, Levi Ackerman, he looks up at the sky as he stopped his horse. "It looks like rifts in the sky, he patient and wait to see what happens." Levi says, looking at his squad.


"Levi! Look!" Hanji shouts out to him, seeing Titans disappearing left and right. Levi looks in a tad bit of shock, he never seen this before let alone anyone else watching this happen. Suddenly, a so-called rift opens up and sparks down upon Levi and his squad, they got blasted in, horses included. More Titans get sucked up in the rifts, and then the rifts closes. The townspeople are confused as ever, seeing some of the Survey Corps being sucked up in there. "W-What just happened...?" A civilian asked, "I don't know, but I hope the Survey Corps comes back!" Another civilian said.

Part 2:

John Wick, he was the current leader of the Hero League. He was looking at the newcomer, Drift. He was sucked into the rifts from the California Desert. "So, how do you think you got here, Drift?" John asked him, curious as he fixed up his suit sleeves. "Well...I don't exactly know, sir." Drift resounded nervously, he never seen a place like this before. "Well, my name is John Wick, or The Reaper, as people call me." John nodded to Drift as he brushed his shoulders off. Drift nodded and asked John where he was going to stay, since John said he was going to join his Hero League. "You will have a room close to the underground quarters, understand?" John told Drift as they started walking inside. Drift nodded and held his mask close as he took off his robe and jacket.

Part 3 (Chapter 1 Final):

Levi and his gang was flying through the rifts, Titans too. "What the hell is happening?!" Connie shouted out, obviously terrified. "I don't know, but stay calm. I seen an opening out there, maybe this thing is taking us there." Mikasa said as she was flying up with Armin and Eren. Levi kept an eye on where they were heading, Hanji and Moblit right behind him. Jean, Sasha, and Connie are on their right and Mikasa, Armin, and Eren are on their left. "C-Captain! We're at the end of it!!" Sasha shouted out as they came closer and closer to the end of the rift opening. Levi looks straight ahead as himself, Hanji, and Moblit was the first ones to go in the opening. Then Jean and his group, then Eren's. The three groups land on their backs and fronts as they got spit out of the rift, the rifts was everywhere. Levi gets up and dusts himself off quickly, Hanji gets up and helps Moblit and they help the rest of the squad up. Levi looks around and looks up at the sky, seeing the rifts appear and disappear, reappearing a few seconds later. "We're in a whole new world. We need to find shelter somewhere. It looks like it's getting dark pretty soon, so hurry and look." Levi instructed as he started walking.

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