Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


It was a quiet evening, sunset was abroad as everyone was getting ready to go to the meeting that was scheduled that sunset. John was convinced by Dyler to let her attend it. Levi and them was waking up from their naps, except Moblit because he slept already. "My head is killing me..." Jean wakes up as he groaned in some pain, he slept wrong. "Don't whine about it, it's not just you." Connie said as he got up and stretched. Sasha was still asleep and she was drooling on her pillow, Connie sighed and looked. "Sasha..get up. They have baked potatoes!" Jean shouted in her ear and held her down, knowing she would shoot up quickly. Sasha growls and shoots up, sending Jean upright and onto the floor. Connie holds her down and explains to her. "Really, Jean?!" Sasha shouts at him and starts hitting him on the sides. Jean kicks her off and gets up, dusting himself off. Connie kept them both from beating each other to a pulp and told them to focus. He hates his close friends fighting. "Come on you guys! Don't fight like this! We ain't on the battlefield yet!!" Connie shouted to try and make them finally understand. Sasha and Jean sighed and nodded, apologizing afterwards. Connie nods and grabs his tiny canister of water. While in the other room, Armin and Mikasa were chatting as Eren was talking to Hanji in Levi about not mentioning his Titan-Shifting abilities. "If Wick ever finds out we have a Titan on our side, he will have us all killed on the spot. You can't get angry at him or anyone else here, Eren. This is serious." Hanji says as she took a sip of tea, sounding real serious this time. Eren looks and nods, agreeing to this. "If I start getting angry, please hit me or kick me down." Eren says as he looks over to Levi, who is sitting at the edge of his bed with tea in hand as always. Levi looks as he set his tea down and got up, walking to him. "Either you don't get angry or I'll kill you. Take your pick." Levi says as he glares at Eren with his Ackerman look. Eren gets nervous and startled but nods quickly, he gulps in fear. Carbide and Sledgehammer was going to go check on John, seeing if he was still in his room with Dyler. Carbide knocks on the door, they both could swear they heard scrambling around. John opens the door, fixing his suit up. "Yes?" John asked out of breath, he was breathing heavily. Carbide brushes it off and tells him about the meeting in 10 minutes. "O-Oh! Yes! I almost forgot! Go tell everyone to be prepared to go in 5 minutes. Dyler and I will be there in a few minutes." John says as he finished fixing his suit up. Carbide blinks and just nods, not considering asking any questions. He walks off with Sledgehammer and thinks. John closes his door and looks at Dyler, she was standing near the mirror as she held a blanket around her entire body, cheeks red as a tomato. John blushes and walks to her, holding her and kissing her on her forehead. "That was close.." John says as he looked down at her, smiling softly. Dyler hugs him and smiles. John smiles and hugs her back, helping her find her clothes afterwards. Yes, you may be wondering or asking: "But Enderlox, there's no sex/smut/lemon in Fortnite!"....shut your mouth! It's fanfiction! Anything is possible! [Sorry for saying shut up D:] But anyways, let's continue.


It was time for the meeting, everyone was there waiting for John, Dyler, Carbide, and Raptor. Levi and his gang kept their side of silence as well as the rest of the Hero League, including Zoey and Valor. John walks out with Dyler beside him, like always. Carbide and Raptor walked out behind them as all four of them stepped on a stage. John looks at everyone, including the new people. "We are here right now, to get to know our new comrades that came in our world of Fortnite today." John says as he nods at the newcomers.

Part 1

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