Chapter 5

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You chose: CHOICE FOUR: Ask Hoseok for help.

"I'm sorry that you feel like I'm not a proper teacher," I start, uncertainly, after a few seconds of awkward silence, stepping backward and making desperate eye contact with Hoseok. He catches the plea in my eyes, and nods in understanding, making his way towards us. I thank him in my mind. He should be able to help me defuse this situation. "But I can promise you that I am genuinely doing my best to teach your daughter and her class." 

I glance at the student in question, smiling reassuringly at her. "I understand your fears, but equally my priority is my students. If they are happy, that is what matters. And, forgive me for assuming, but they did seem happy with the ideas that I presented to them." 

The mother scowls, turning to her daughter. "Tell him that you're unhappy," she orders, and the poor girl winces, clearly not knowing what to say. I bite my lip, trying not to say anything, waiting desperately for Hoseok to come and save me from this awkward moment. 

"Is there a problem, Mrs Lee?" Hoseok interrupts, smiling calmly at the ruffled mother, and I manage to hide my sigh of relief. 
"Your teacher is not teaching my daughter how to dance properly!"
"Would you care to elaborate?" he asks delicately. "Complaints cannot count unless there is a genuine concern." 

She lifts her head, looking down her nose at him haughtily. "He was going to allow her to partner up with a girl. I have made sure she is in a class with boys. She should not have to be in that situation. And yet here he is, forcing her into such a scenario. It is not acceptable."

Hoseok glances at me, and I see a hint of sympathy in his eyes. This particular parent will be difficult. We both know that. 

"Mrs Lee, I personally do not see how two girls dancing together would be a problem. Even a group of three would not necessarily be an issue in my view either. Think of it this way. Different groups of dancers are capable of different feats. And a pair of girls will be able to dance differently to a pair made up of a male and female." 

When the scowl on her face doesn't disappear, he continues. "Maybe your daughter is trying to avoid a romantic connection with a male partner, or maybe she would just feel more comfortable dancing with one of her friends." 

"My primary concern is the safety and the happiness of the students," I put in, desperate to keep the student in my class and the mother in a good mood. "If I believe your daughter will struggle to feel safe dancing with a boy, I will be forced to rethink my options in an attempt to make sure she's okay." 

"But what if she falls in love with her female partner?" Mrs Lee asks, her voice practically a screech by now. The student tugs on her mother's arm. 
"That won't happen, Mum. Please just leave it. Jungkook is a good teacher. It'll all be okay," she says desperately, glancing around nervously as other parents and students start to pay attention to the discussion. 

The unhappy and slightly humiliated expression on her face tugs at my heartstrings, and I decide that enough is enough. After a quick apologetic glance at Hoseok, I say what is truly on my mind. 

"Mrs Lee, with all due respect, this is hardly the place for such a conversation," I say in a placating tone, holding out a hand. "Hyeri seems rather embarrassed, and I'd rather avoid that if I can. This school is a safe zone for some of these students. I don't want this conversation to change that for her." 

I glance at my student, giving her another reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Hyeri. If you think you'd be happier in a three, or with a girl, I will not force you into a pairing you are not comfortable with. Dance isn't about abusing boundaries. It's about learning to be yourself, expressing yourself through the music. We aren't here to change society. We're here to have fun." 

Hoseok smiles a little at my attitude, and I know that he will not fire me for saying what I have. Mrs Lee looks around the room, takes in the confused expressions of parents present, and makes the sensible decision. She nods in defeat, leaving the room gracefully, pulling Hyeri along with her. 

"See you next week, Hyeri!" I call after them, making sure my tone is purely friendly, and the still confused student smiles gratefully at me. "I'll make sure to get something choreographed and planned according to what we all agreed, everyone. In the meantime, see if any ideas come to mind." 

They all nod, sharing a collective glance, and I smile to myself victoriously at the solidarity shown between my class. It's like I've managed to show them how important teamwork is. And they've become more empathetic, which is nice to see. 

"Nicely handled, Jungkook. I'm not sure you needed me, to be honest," Hoseok comments, as the waiting room area slowly empties, the rest of the class leaving with their parents one by one.

 A girl stands up from a seat on an orange sofa, as her father arrives, and a boy leaves on his own, phone pressed against his ear, hand lazily twirling a pair of blue headphones around his forefinger and middle finger. A girl watches him go, a fond expression on her face, and I know without anyone else having to tell me that I need to pair the two together if I can. 

"No, I'm not that good at figuring out what to say," I admit, smiling a little at the confusion on his face.
"You knew then," he points out. I shrug. 
"I normally just snap," I tell him simply, as we walk back to the studio I was just teaching in, so that I can grab my bags, "I can get very opinionated and very aggressive when I'm annoyed." 

"I wouldn't worry about it, Kook. As long as you're friendly to the students, I won't mind. This is more a family than a school. Most dance academies are a little more competitive, but I like to think that we are more calm and respectful." 

"I would agree with that," I say, nodding and picking up my bag. "Is there anything else I need to sort out?"
"Actually, there is," Hoseok says, looking a little guilty. "I have a favour to ask of you, if I may be so rude."
"What's wrong, hyung?" I return, a little concerned. "What can I help with?" 

"I would ask Jiminie to do it, but he's not really in the right mindset, so I need someone that I know won't slip into a different mood," Hoseok adds on, and I shrug.
"That is fine. Seriously, hyung what do you need? You've been great to me. It's about time I returned the favour." 

He smiles a little. "Would you be able to look after someone for me? He's not a child, but he can act like one sometimes, and he just needs somebody there when he's in that kind of head space. I would help, save you the trouble, but I've been asked to sort something out for someone else. He would have to stay overnight." 

"Of course I can," I say instantly. "Is it some sort of-"
"I wouldn't call it a disorder," he says uncertainly, wincing, "he's not ill in anyway. There are just times when he slips into the mindset of a child. It's still him, not another personality, but everything just seems more.." he pauses, searching for the right word. 

"Everything seems like it would to a child?" I offer, and he nods. 
"Exactly. Please don't judge him, or force him into an adult headspace if he doesn't want to be. He remembers everything he does, in child and adult space. You wouldn't leave a seven year old on their own. It's like that." 

Can I handle something like that? I'm not sure. But I can certainly give it a try, and Hoseok seems pretty desperate to get someone to help. 

And he's done so much for me. Surely I should do something to help him, just as he has done for me?

CHOICE ONE: say no. You don't know enough about the person you're looking after. There is probably someone else there to care for them. They can handle it. 

CHOICE TWO: say yes. Hobi has been an angel, and you must pay him back for everything he's done. 

 CHOICE THREE: say no, and suggest someone else who might be better suited. 

CHOICE FOUR: say yes. You're curious, and you want to find out more about this whole thing. Maybe there's a name for it, and you can research it. 

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Izzy x

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