Chapter 26

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YOUR CHOICE: minjoon and jin see taekook (the updated taekook), Lisa appears again, dance teacher kook. all in one. Here we go. 

Despite the new arrangement that Tae and I have formed, it takes a while for things to properly settle down. I still have university classes to go to, a group of teenagers to teach. Life doesn't stop moving on, just because things are a little different between us now. And this takes a while to get used to, but I'm doing my best. Sure, it's nowhere near perfect, but I like to think I'm not doing too bad at the whole thing. 

The moment that Jimin finds out about the situation, from Hoseok (I'd assume), he sends me a text, demanding that I hang out with him soon to explain everything. I offer to bring Taehyung, and my short best friend just agrees instantly, promising us pizza and hugs. 

I mean, I'm not gonna say no to pizza and hugs. I'm not totally insane. 

"Right then, guys. Today we're gonna go over the last bit of the choreography, ready for the showcase. But before we do it, I wanna check that everyone's okay with what we have so far. Are there any questions or confusions?" I ask my class, walking over to my phone so that I can get the music up. 

We've already warmed up, and everyone's standing vaguely in position. 

"Is it true that some of us are doing some lifts?" someone calls out. I smile a little, nod once, and listen to the surprise spread through the class. 
"I know that lifts are seen as rather scary, but they aren't as bad as you think. And you don't have to lift anyone if you don't want to. So don't worry. I'm gonna teach you the technique, and we're gonna figure out who wants to lift and who doesn't. I have backup ideas. We're all good." 

The students avoid my gaze. "I'll prove it to you." I look for someone in the class, and my eye lands on Hyeri and Yura. This is a perfect excuse to get them to work together on something that they can be proud of, something which will hopefully strengthen the bond between them. I know from the conversation I had with them a few months ago that they're both into girls, so there is a possibility of them getting together. And they'd be cute together. 

Teachers are allowed to ship their students, right? In school they do it all the time. 

"Hyeri, Yura, come up here for a moment." They look at each other, and then awkwardly walk over to the front of the class. "I'm not gonna get you to hurt each other, don't worry. As long as you listen, and you use the right technique, you'll be fine. Amongst yourselves, decide which one is gonna lift and which one is gonna be lifted." 

"I'll do the lifting," Yura says after they've discussed it, and I nod in understanding. 
"Alright. We're gonna do a basic lift, to start with, to encourage you to think about this stuff. Hyeri, place an arm over Yura's shoulder for me." She does as she's asked. "Good. Now, don't hang on to her neck, because you'll pull it, and it'll hurt. We don't want that." 

The class listens in silence as I take them through a relatively simple lift, one that I learned how to do as a kid. "Now, this is what's gonna happen: Hyeri, you are going to be lifted up, bridal style, and then you're going to essentially do an aided somersault round onto your feet. It's gonna happen very quickly." 

Both girls freeze. "What if I hit her?"
"What if I drop her?"

I hold up a hand. "You won't. I wouldn't give you a task you can't do." When they're still uncertain, I shrug. "I thought you guys wouldn't be keen on this, so I asked Hoseok hyung for permission to bring my university dance partner with me today. She will help me demonstrate the lifts we can try and do, and show those who are lifted what to do." 

Lisa walks in then, perfectly on time. She places her bag in the corner of the room, and then makes her way to the front, beside me. "Hi everyone. I'm Lisa," she greets them warmly. "What lift are we doing first?" 
"We're gonna show the over-the-arm flip thing?" I say carefully. She nods in understanding. 
"Gotcha. Starting simple." 

Little things - Taekook (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now