Chapter 3

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The bakery is surprisingly busy this morning Marinette thought to herself as she dusted flour off her apron.

It was hard to focus on work and making dough when Chat was on the back of her mind. She still couldn't believe that he actually slept on her roof last night.

"Marinette could you make a fresh batch of macaroons? We already ran out," her father called. He had his hands full of bread and pastry's as he frantically tried to handle costumers. "We're having quite the morning rush."

"I'll get right on it Papa!" She said putting a cloth over the bowl of dough and sitting it off to the side so it could rise.

I can't believe he just thought it would be okay to actually sleep on my roof!

She pulled out the ingredients and began mixing angrily.

Tikki flew up and peered over her shoulders. "Um Marinette..."

"Can you believe him Tikki? He even kissed my hand ! Classic Chat!" Her stirring intensified as stray hairs slipped into her face. "What was he thinking? 'Oh I'm just going to crash land into Marinettes life again and charm her into taking me back just so I can leave her again!' Ugh! As if!"

"Marinette get a hold of yourself! You're making a mess!" Tikki shirked as she flew to pull the whisk out of her hands.

Marinette snapped out of it and rubbed her eyes, "Sorry Tikki." There was mix all over the counter. "Guess I should clean this up before I bake." She walked over to the sink to pick up a soapy sponge and wash off her hands and wipe down the counter.
Great I managed to get it in my hair.

"Maybe if you and Chat talk things out you'll feel better?" Tikki said sitting on her shoulder.

"There is nothing to talk about! He told me everything I needed to hear already!" The miix in her hair matted and clumped together as she tried to wash it out with soap.

Tikki looked at Marinette with a puzzled expression. "Then why are you so mad at him?"

Marinette sighed and pushed the hair out of her face. "I don't know Tikki, I guess I'm still bitter about him leaving me."

The kwami nuzzled her cheek, "He didn't want to do it Marinette. Doing what's right isn't the same as doing what's easy. You know how it is to have a secret identity. So why hold him against protecting his?"

"I guess I've never thought about it that way Tikki," she stroked her lovingly and reached over to get a cookie out of jar.

Tikki smiled and flew back into Marinettes apron pocket to munch on her treat while Marinette resumed working on the macaroons.

She squeezed the batter out of a frosting bag to form perfect little circles on the baking sheet. Memories of Chat flooded her mind.
Like the first time he came to her roof top the day Adrian couldn't make it to Andres for ice cream. They were both hurt yet they found comfort in each other. It was sweet of him to share the surprise he made for Ladybug with her, even if she was Ladybug.
After that night Chat always did things like that with her. He would surprise her with small gifts and roses, even if it wasn't in person, he tended to sneak into her room or manage to leave them on the roof.
Once they became closer he would leave her love letters or take her on romantic outings around Pairs. Rather it was a boat ride along the Seine, candle lit dinner on the Eiffel Tower, or just holding hands while stargazing on the roof, Marinette loved every second of it and hated the fact that it all came to an end.

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