Chapter 4

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Adrien was looking at a family photo of Marinette and her parents when she finally made it up stairs. Her face was pink from the rush of running. He couldn't help but smile at her as she tried to catch her breath. She was precious.

It felt good seeing her again, with and without the mask. Ever since he decided to keep his distance, he found there was something missing from his life. He was incomplete. Of course there was still Ladybug, his lady, but things just weren't the same. They were still friends and great partners, there relationship really grew when Chat and Marinette we're together. He respected his Princess and backed down from the constant flirting with ladybug. Not only was it more professional as partners but it wasn't necessarily a hard thing to do. Chat Noir just shifted his attention to his one true love: Marinette.

He missed her. With every bone in his body. Missed her in ways he couldn't explain .In ways she would never understand.

When Chat Noir first started to disappear from his princess he couldn't stay away. At night he would perch himself by Marinettes balcony or watch her from the window just to make sure she was okay. He couldn't stay away, he couldn't just leave her like that. So Chat made sure he kept a watchful eye on her.

She didn't need it. No matter how badly she hurt, Marinette never showed it, her strength and bravery had no bounds. While Chat felt like a complete coward.

Adrien picked up the picture frame he was previously looking at. "I have always liked this picture. You guys have such a happy family." He had a sad smile form on his face.

Marinette took a step closer to look over his shoulder. "Don't be fooled, we're not always a picture perfect family. But we are genuinely happy, I guess we got lucky."

Suddenly Adrien tensed and sat the picture down. Marinette silently cursed at herself for bringing up the fact that she got lucky enough to have a happy family since his home life is so rough. He looked down at his feet, not wanting to get in to his emotions.

"Adrien..." her voice was barley a whisper as she gently extended her hand and placed it on his shoulder. The fabric of his white button down shirt was soft to the touch. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said anything."

When she felt Adriens hand over her own all the former tension in the air faded. Adrien turned to Marinette and to her amazement, he smiled. "Don't worry Marinette, it's okay. I love seeing you and your family happy together. It makes me forget my own." The words he spoke hurt Marinettes heart. Yet they flowed so carelessly off his tongue, like they didn't even matter.

" shouldn't forget the troubles you and your family faces. It's always good to focus on the positive, but everything that has happened in your family shaped you into the person you are." Marinette looked away as she started to blush. "You've become extraordinary Adrien. You've excelled in everything you've ever done. From school to fencing and modeling...just everything. Not to mention the fact that you stayed so humble and kind and caring to everyone - "

Marinettes  rambling was cut off by Adrien grabbing her hand again and pulling her into a hug. He held her so tightly and buried his face into her shoulder. Not knowing what else to do she hugged him back and soothingly stroked his hair. She has never seen the sensitive side of Adrien before. He was always so brave and charming and now he was just...vulnerable.

She cooed soothing words to Adrien as he took a sharp deep breath. "Thank you Marinette, I needed to here that." This was one of the many reasons why he was in love with this girl.

He slowly lifted his head up to gaze at Marinettes loving features. Seeing her smile made all the pain he felt disappear. He wanted nothing else but to kiss her sweet lips. But he knew that kissing her as Adrien might be worse then kissing her as Chat. So he would have to hold out for now. Pity.

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