Chapter 5

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Marinette couldn't help but throw herself on her couch, landing in a happy sigh. Today must have been unreal. The events that took place kept playing over in over in her head.

She got to see Adrien. She got to spend time with Adrien. She got to cuddle Adrien while watching Sailor Moon re-runs. She got to fall asleep on Adriens chest. She got to kiss Adrien Agreste.

They were together the entire day. Time just slipped past them. It wasn't until after Marinette's parents came up stairs from a long day of working in the bakery to find the two of them asleep that Adrien decided to leave.

A thunderstorm swept through the streets of Paris as they slept together. To prevent Adrien from getting wet on his way to the car Marinette gave him his umbrella. The one he had given to her the day they met.

Adrien seemed amazed at the fact that she still had it. "Thank you Marinette," he had said. "Now this gives me an excuse to come see you again."

She giggled as they walked down stairs to the door to say their goodbyes. "But it's your umbrella silly."

He paused at the door, "My dear Marinette this umbrella has been in you possession for years." Gently, Adrien turned and took Marinettes hand in his. "It's yours now, and I want you to keep it. Plus my father can't say no to me coming back over if it's to return something of yours. But I think he can learn to accept the fact that I will be back over."

They were slowly leaning in closer to each other. Their eyelids were heavy. "Is that a good thing Adrien?" She could sense his smile and feel his chest as he chuckled.

Adrien slowly brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly and sweetly.

"'s a wonderful thing."

Then he was gone. Leaving her alone in the warmth of the bakery.

A loud crack of thunder and lightning brought her back to reality. The rain started pouring even harder then before. She took this opportunity to write a new chapter in her diary about everything that has happened with Adrien. As she continued to think about him she completely forgot about-

"CHAT NOIR!!!" Marinette yelled quietly as she jumped off her couch and ran to unlock the door leading to the roof.

Tikki raced to her side. "He's been knocking on the door for nearly an hour ! I know he must have been out there longer then that, but I couldn't get your attention Marinette!"

"It's okay Tikki I promise," she gave her a reassuring smile. "But go hide! Quickly!"

The second the little red Kwami was out of sight, Marinette took a deep breath and unlocked the door.

Chat Noir crashed into Marinette landing on top of her on the bed, leaving the door open and the rain pouring in.

"I'm so sorry Princess I hate for the crash landing," He braced himself on his arms so he could look into her eyes. "But I must say that I do enjoy being on top of you again." His eyebrows wiggled with a sly grin.

"Get the hell off me Chat! And shut the door! My comforter is getting soaked!" She quickly pushed him off and jumped down to the floor and ran to her bathroom. There was a pile of fresh light pink towels stacked neatly in a small cabinet where Marinette kept extra toiletries. Most of them were Chats that never got thrown away. A spare toothbrush and razor along with a few bottles of men's shampoo and conditioner and even some colonel. The sent always reminded her of him.

Once she grabbed the towels she made her way back to the bed. Chat had began to take off the soaked comforter and sheets for her. "You know I never thought about the side effects of having a secret door above your bed. I'm sorry about your comforter," He said folding the blankets.

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