Updates: Rejects Reboot

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Hey, been awhile. Sorry about that, been really focused on school and writing stories that I've forgot to update stuff. So ad the title saids, I'll be talking mainly about the Rejects reboot, why I'm doing it and other stuff probably idk. So, why am I rebooting the Rejects once again? Well, I'm not really proud of The New Rejects, hell I'm even considering taking the book off my story lists, but I won't. I just really want to just try to write a really good story off my Rejects ideas and I now realise maybe I should write solo series of the characters and then lead up to the Reejcts teaming up. Now there will be 3 solo series and then the Main Rejects book. The three solo series are The Immortal Volume 1, Ion Volume 1, and Crystal Volume 1. And then they will all lead up to The Rejects Volume 1, so the team will start off with 3 members, which I usually don't like that but I'll deal with my somewhat OCD. I hope I didn't screw up with The Immortal already, but I will tell you this, I'll try to show how regular people fear them and also the military will be a reaccurring "villain" in all 3 series and will, if I remember at all, make a small role in the first Volume of Rejects... So yeah I guess that's all I got for this update. Writing Monster Musume right now and The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and right now, I feel happy writing stories again. Anyways, goodbye for now. I'll see you later, bye.

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