Updates: Fallout and Monster Musume soon

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Hello my beautiful readers and I am back with another update. I've been watching alot of Fallout New Vegas (the best fallout game, fight me you f***ing-) and I really wanted to write a Fallout story. Where would it be set? Don't know, probably Minnesota. Would need to create a new vault tho, does anyone know if vault 13 exists? Anyways story will have a main character who's a vault dweller (uh no dur, real original pal) who leaves his vault and instantly meets a bounty hunter who acts like an idiot at times but is super deadly with any firearms. These two set off across the american wasteland, trying to survive and help out any in need. And that's it, there will be more main characters, like a robot and a cat! I do wonder why cats don't exist in the Fallout universe. Names of the first 2 characters are Kyle, the vault dweller who is trying to get used to the world above but is a natural killer. And Benjamin or Jamin to his friends is a bounty hunter who acts like an idiot to make people believe he's a cluts but when the time is right, will betray and kill you if needed. Also I'm trying to get back into writing Monster Musume again. So what do you think? Would you guys read my Fallout series? Gonna do a shout out because haven't done it in a while, so shout out to nekoman4 for being an asshole... and great best friend. Adios suckers!!!

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