Updates: My life, Monster Musume, Sonic, Pokemon, Teen Titans.

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Sup guys, been awhile I know. But I'm back with a few updates y'all might be excited in hearing (all 3 of you, I'm sure) so let's begin with my life. I'm back in school for my final year (yes, I am a senior.... I'm an old man now. But I get senior discounts so that's good) and for some reason that makes me feel more procrastinate so I'm going to try and write more and push myself to do that. Otherwise I'm doing great in my life right now. No drama so far, I have two really great best friends in my life who are just the best, and brought back a dead friendship with someone because my emotions aren't clouded anymore by my "love" of someone. So all in all everything's pretty good, but that's not why you came here for. STORIES!!!!!!! So, I plan on writing a new Monster Musume chapter real soon, just need to get my fatass to actually do it. That chapter is going to be completely original say for the ending. I'm also going to be writing Sonic Skyline more often because I have huge ideas for that series and since my writing skills just keep improving I really want to write more Skyline. Next, Pokemon!! So the new games are coming out in 2 months, so I'm definitely will be writing a Sword and Shield book. I'm also going to try to write some chapters for my Pokemon stories. Finally, we have Teen Titans. I'm going to try and write some new chapters of Teen Titans Volume 3, and try and finish that volume the next few months. But for the next chapters of that book I'll ve introducing my versions of the Doom Patrol, Superman and his family, Batman Vs. Robin, Cyborg and alot more. And that's all the things I want to talk about, I really hope I can write more this school year, and hope you all will enjoy. Anyways, I'll see you Scadwf's later. Bye!

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