Shattered Glass Can Kill

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Disclaimer! This story is a real event that happened in my life.
It involves hallucinations, and near death.
Reader's discretion is advised!

Near death puts things in perspective.

Makes you realise that there is only so much time left.

Think about how you would feel if that happened to you not too long ago.

Now picture it from the perspective of a 5 year old.

Today, I am 16 years old.

I could've died when I was 5.

But I didn't.

My story could've ended then.

This is the truth, or at least as much of it as I can remember.

This is the story of how a piece of glass could've killed me.

I was but a child when it happened .

I was in the house, by myself, walking around, in a pink and black paisley patterned dress, without shoes on.

There was a pile of shattered glass on the floor, which I was told to avoid.

And I did.



Sharp, stabbing pain

One stray piece of glass had not made it to the pile.

The glass was now in my foot.

I was alone, so I couldn't tell my parents.

I did eventually forgotten about it.

That error could have killed me.

A few days passed and I went from a happy ball of sunshine, with rosy cheeks, pink lips, and bursting with energy a sad, tired, cluster of dark clouds.

I looked like a ghost. Paler than a fresh sheet of snow on a cold winter's morning. All color had left me face. My lips were grey. My foot swollen from infection. My energy draining with every breath.

All I wanted was eternal slumber.

I was in shock from sepsis.

One day I woke up in the car, wrapped in a muted green blanket.

My mom picked me up and carried me into the building.

It was a hospital.

The world faded to black as my eyes rolled up inside my skull.

I awoke again in a dream-like state.

My surroundings we're a haze.

I could make out 3 figures.

My mom, dad, and a female Doctor of African-American descent.

My mother was holding my little hand, and my dad had his hands on the sides of my face.

"Oh! You're awake!" the Doctor said.

Something in her hand shone with a silvery glint.

It was a scalpel.

"You might want to hold her still, this is going to hurt. A lot."

Agonizing pain.
Searing agony.

That's all I could think as the scalpel slid through my skin like a knife through butter.

I screamed, ripping my vocal cords raw.
Tears streaming down my face.

Finally it was over.

"Would you like to see the infection?"

I didn't respond, confused.

She showed me anyway.

It was neon green.

I know I was a 5 year old girl, and my magical land of rainbows, pink kitties, purple puppies, and golden ponies anything goes, but I knew that was NOT how an infection was supposed to look.

What happened next?

I don't know...

Long story short, always wear shoes and even the smallest piece of glass hurts like hell.
I hope you enjoyed Artober, Day 1!

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