The Monster Pt 1, Under the Bed

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As a child, you're afraid of monsters.

What's hiding in your closet.

But a closet has doors that can be closed.

You close the doors and you feel safe.

Since the monster can't possibly get through.

But there's something worse than the monster in your closet.

It's the monster under your bed.

Especially since there are no doors to close them up.

Nothing to block the beast from coming to get you.

It's the perfect place for them to hide.

No light.


Except the toys that that are shoved under it.

So many things to hide behind.

They prey on children since that make up stories.

Their parents are less likely to believe that there's something under their bed,

Waiting for the moment to strike.

But they check anyways,

In hopes of soothing their child's fears away.

They check the closet and under the bed.

"It's okay, no monsters under the bed."

And it works, until their parents leave the room.

Then the monsters come out.

The parents try buying a night light, so the child can see their surroundings.

It helps at first.

But their eyes start to play tricks on them.

Turning the shadows into the creatures that haunt the night.

The parents tell them that there are no monsters.

That it's only the shadows playing tricks on them.

And they are right.

But they're also wrong.

It may appear that the child grows out of that phase.

That the monster has left.

But it's still there...

It just has a different form.....

To be continued...

In The Monster Pt 2.

Inner Demons

I hope you enjoyed day 4!

See you tomorrow!

Tomorrow I shall post my first picture!

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