The Bones Will Follow

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Please! Leave me be!

That's all I could think, as I sat on my bed.

Why did it have to happen to me?

Then I think back to what caused this whole predicament.

A few months earlier...

I was walking down the sidewalk, humming a sweet melody, when I saw it.
A small, lilac crystal, a piece of amethyst.
It was beautiful.
It shimmered with a comforting glow in the sunlight.

I believe that crystals can have influential properties, and had been collecting crystals for a few years.
On my way home, I was considering going to my local rock shop to purchase some new stones.
Coincidentally, I was looking for a piece of amethyst, since it is known as "The All Purpose Stone" because provides clarity in the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, help with cell regeneration, insomnia, and mood swings.

How convenient!

I bent down and picked it up.

I should not have done that

I took it home and cleansed it with sage and said my mantras.

It was fine for a few days before strange things started happening.

I felt off.




What is wrong with me?

Then came the Nightmares.



Each worse than the last.

After a week, I couldn't sleep.

I refused to sleep.

Afraid of the Bad Dreams.

I entered my apartment, and sat down, hoping to calm my nerves.

When I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

Then heard a few sounds.



Then something bumped into my foot.

I looked down and saw that it was a skull.

And I screamed.

And screamed.

Running to my room, screaming.

The hallway seemed so much longer than it had been before.

The Bones chasing after me,

Bouncing down the hall.

Out the bathroom.

I jumped my bed, screaming the same words,

"The Bones Will Follow"

Over and over.

The skeletal remains circling the bed, clattering together like a chant.

I grabbed my black tourmaline, screaming


Please stop!

I threw the amethyst at the wall so hard it shattered before passing out.

I woke up in a padded cell, wearing a straight jacket, my vocal cords sorry from screaming.

I'm free.

Deep down,

I knew,

That I may be free,

But that stone took a part of me.

I'm being treated for psychosis and hope to make a full recovery and NEVER experience anything like that again.

This story is based on a dream, with a few tweaks

Hope you enjoyed day 11!

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