Chapter 4

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Song for the Chapter- Don't Say You Love Me by Fifth Harmony

"Devan?" I squeaked as he pressed his silky mouth to my cheek. "Y-y-ou left me." I stuttered. His dark features twisted into a grin as he looked over my body. I quickly covered myself as best as I could.

"Devine." He grabbed my hands and pinned them to my sides as his dark eyes hungrily gazed over my body. "You have grown up." He smiled and kissed my neck.

"No stop." I tried to fight him. "You left me for this life." I pushed him away.

"Devine I-"

"No." I screamed and pulled myself free. He tried to calm me, but I wrenched free from his grasp and tried to run.

"Devine Bennett. Come. Back. Here. NOW." He stood his ground and I turned to see guards walk in from the mulitple doors around the dinning hall their guns drawn and waiting for a signal.

I walked back to Devan. "Good baby girl, now, we were going to eat." He helped me into my seat and I sat there motionless.

A butler brought us our food and I wordlessly began to eat. "So Devine, how has life been?"

"Before or after I was captured?" I sassed. He rose a brow and I huffed. "It was good. I am wealthy now so I left home. To much judging and people who disagreed with my lifestyle." My robe slipped off my shoulder leaving an expanse of pale creamy skin against black silk and lace for him to look at. Against my will, I left it there, daring him to do something about it.

Devan's dark gaze landed on my exposed shoulder and he gulped. His pupils blew wide. It was just my shoulder. I glanced down and realized the delicate robe had dipped and was exposing a lot more than just my shoulders.

My mind told me to cover myself, besides the goal was to make Devan miserable so that he would give me back to Chris. Wasn't it? My mind battled my heart. My heart told me to let him see what he lost. Let him look at the thing he lost. Let him see what he could have had.

I looked into his eyes. He was staring at my curvy body. I had worked for years to gain the strong muscular curves and was quite proud of them. He tapped his fingers on the desk.

"Devine, I don't think you understand what you now are." He leaned back and left his eyes on my exposed skin.

"And what would that be?" I batted my lashes and tipped my head. It was like I had no control over my body. It was doing the work for me.

"Devine, you are mine. You always were mine. You will never not be MINE." He calmly stood and walked to me, hooking his finger in my robe he drug it farther down. I gasped a bit but met his steely gaze.

"Devan. I was never yours." I spat."I was and am Chris's."

He laughed coolly. "Baby girl, you will only ever know my name. You will forget him and his inferior name and you will submit to me." His mouth made contact with my shoulder and he lightly nipped.

I trembled but refused a sound.

"Denive, oh my darling Devine. I will make you into a woman all others long to be. I will give you the sparkly, dramatic, wealthy, life you were born to lead. I will give you what all others could not." His mouth moved up my neck.

"And that would be?" I mumbled, melting into his strong arms slightly.

"I will fill you with my child and together we will rule this world. Create a monarchy and our son will inherit everything." He worked his way along my jaw. "And my darling, you will be covered in diamonds and gems."

I melted into his embrace fully as his lips covered mine. His harsh kisses were equally matched with my own and I whimpered as he picked me up.

In the back of my mind warning bells flashed, and the images of me and my boyfriend surfaced. But as Devan laid me on our bed and chanted my name and loved me, I found I had completely forgotten those things.

"Go to sleep my baby." His deep rich voice soothed over me. "Sleep."

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