Chapter 8

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song: Dusk till Dawn by ZAYN and Sia 

"Devine." Devan's chocolaty voice made my body shiver as his warm hand pressed against my neck. 

His smooth warm mouth traced my neck. His tongue hit my earlobe and I shuddered. His large hands held me up against him, his hard muscles hitting my arse and back. I let his hands wander as he tugged at my dressing gown.

"No." I moaned. He lifted his head and spun me around so I hit his chest painfully. "Dev." I whimpered. 

"No Devine, you are mine. And tonight I will make you, mark you, mine." He growled. 

"Don't you want a show?" I questioned devilishly. I watched his eyes widen and grow darker with lust. I swallowed and pushed him back to the chair in front of the black pole. He sat and I circled him. His eyes watched my hips move. His gaze, oh his gaze, burned a hole in my insides. 

I slowly removed the robe and I swung my self around the pole. His eyes watched me move in time to the heady beat of the music. The pole felt oddly good in my palm and I moved to a scissor lift. My strong back muscles flexed and I did a slip letting my body shimmy down the pole into a walking ring. My hands made their way up the pole from my splayed position on the floor. His heavy breaths filled the room along with my moans and small whimpers. 

I lifted myself and looped my long pale leg around the pole and slid out to pull it back to myself. I looked over at my companion. His dress shirt was partially unbuttoned and his head was tilted watching my every move. My every whimper was music to his ears. My mind whirled with the wonderful feeling of someone feasting on my body. Loving what I was doing. Chris never wanted to explore, but this felt so right. So sinful. So dirty. And I loved it.

I waltzed over to him and straddled him, pressing my wet, hot core to his. 

"Oh Baby girl." He moaned. "Were you a good baby?"

"No daddy." I whined as he ran his hands all over my scantily clad body. 

"You weren't. Should you be punished?" His eyes, blown wide with lust, were black. His olive skin flushed and his black hair perfect. I unbuttoned his shirt as I shifted my hips in circles on his, grinding down. 

"No daddy." I smirked. "I promise to be good." I moaned as his lips attacked my neck, letting my head fall back. 

He picked me up and walked over to the bed. "Baby, as much as I love your outfit, I want it off." His hands ripped the crimson staining my skin away, leaving me bare before him. He grinned and grasped my hands, pulling them above my head. 

I whimpered, being stretched out beneath him, his strong muscles warning me. Making me want to let him have his way with me. Making me want him more than ever, making me want to let him become my one. Making me want to carry his child. 

He clipped handcuffs around my wrists, making me writhe beneath him. "Dev?" I asked with so much coming through my confused voice.

"Devine, baby girl, did you think I wouldn't understand what you are doing?" He sucked on my neck.

"Wh-hat." I shook gasping for breath.

"Wearing that tight little dress, that daddy bought for his enjoyment only, to a social event, that your ex might have attended." His dark, jealous gaze taking in my smallish breasts, and tight muscles. "Letting your dress ride up too high, or slip to low. Testing me, summoning me. Showing Evans what he lost." His fingers snaked down my body, closer and closer to my heat. "Letting those men want you." He bit down gently on my tummy. "Letting me touch you with those whimpers, those moans." His breath ghosted my thighs. "Now baby, daddy is going to have to teach you that you are his and his alone."

I let out a strangled cry and he slowly moved into position. 

"Beg me baby." His voice came through my fogged brain. "Beg me, for what you desire." 

"Devan. Please. Give it to me. Make me your dark queen. Make me yours." I moaned. "Make me your dirty little-"

"Shh." He tapped his fingers on my plump lips. "No cursing baby." He smirked and pushed himself against me. "You are lovely. My angel."

His angel. The only one who could save him from the darkness in himself. The only woman who could make him bend. The light against his dark, but the funny thing was the more I wanted to bring him to the light I was rewarded with the dark. My soul my being. It craved it. It wanted it. 

Slowly I felt the light drain from my body and my soul as my dark prince made love to me. I let it. The light slipped between my grasp and I curled against him. 

Later when I awoke from my slumber with Dev's strong arms wrapped around my fragile body, I realized, I couldn't leave him. I was bonded to this evil world. I was Devan's and I could never be anyone else's. Ever. It would never feel the same. He would always haunt my mind. My soul. Everyone would pale in comparison to my devil of a prince. My demon sent to me to help tame. My lover. 

I pressed a kiss to his cheek and burrowed closer to him, my resolve stronger than ever. I would figure out a way to embrace him for everything, and I would find a way to make things right. Between me and Chris, and between Devan and the world. He was hard, He was evil. He was a murder. 

If killing was an art then Devan was the master artist. 

If one person knew him well enough to be able to bring him back, it was me. And no matter what I would rule with him. Let him see that I still... Love him. 

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